Monday, November 20, 2017

575 - Excellent Advice

Spirituality Column #575
November 21, 2017
Common Christianity / Uncommon Commentary

Excellent Advice
By Bob Walters

It takes some discipline, I’m discovering, to disconnect the lies of this world from the truth of Jesus Christ.

Look at the news, any poll, culture, politics, education, science … shoot, look at religion … and the heyday of boorishness, deceit, incivility, disingenuousness, misinformation, overreach, and miscreance is surely upon us.

Satan has to be doing a happy dance.  There’s an old saying, “No news is good news.”  Today it’s, “Bad news is the only news.”  Everywhere we turn, the merchants of panic ply their trade.  Love your neighbor? No!  Tell him he’s wrong!  And not safe!

Pick your persuasion – liberal, conservative, leftist, elitist, gender fluid, binary, American, first world, third world, Christian world, Muslim world, rest-of-the-world, ad infinitum – and I cannot imagine there is a person in a corner of this earth’s human race who surveys the publicly visible horizons of society who says, “Golly, this is going well.”

The Bible says in Philippians 4:8, “Whatever is … excellent … think about such things.” Instead, today’s world hands us a steady diet of whatever initiates anxiety with Satan as its cheerleader.  We have wandered so far afield from the Creator in whose bosom our own nation was founded that our national narrative is consumed not with excellence but with overwrought, overthought resentments and under-taught simple civics and kindness.  It does not have to be this bad.  Here’s how I know.

Jesus, you see, is impervious to polls.  What “73 percent” of scholars or millennials or senior citizens or whoever think, just isn’t news to Jesus; He already knows.  Satan’s best day is when he can shake a Christian’s faith, scoring a supposed victory against God’s glory by robbing Him of a human soul.  But of course the one thing Satan knows that most of the world seems to refuse to know is the final score: that God wins, that Jesus is God’s son the Christ Who is the perfection, truth, creativity, and glorious final victor of all eternity.  None of that changes no matter what a poll says.

Satan hates that, I’m sure, but he also knows we are free to pick a side … of which there are only two: God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit … or not.  And guess who is semi-permanently waiting next to “not”?  Trust me … it’s not a third-party write-in, it’s not evolution, it’s not some man-conjured philosophy, and no, it’s not “nothing.

Satan’s best lie is that “man should be and can be God.”  A close second is, “if the world is this bad, there is no God.”  We swallow Satan’s hate-mongering and God-robbing poison in this life with ignorant enthusiasm; and he loves the polling numbers going his way.  But there is an antidote that we already possess: God’s love, Christ’s sacrifice, and the Spirit’s knowledge.  Humanity can counter Satan’s poison with its faithful consumption of and confidence in the goodness of Jesus.  

He’s got this.

Satan will continue to surround us with awful, “How dare you!,” love-killing outrage, but there exists sufficient grace, truth, and peace to forgive, love, overcome, and settle our hearts to pursue, strive for and connect with God’s excellent things.

And Jesus is the most excellent thing God gives us.

Nurture the discipline to call on Him first.  It’s excellent advice.

Walters ( is thankful for the truth of Jesus.  Amen.


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