Monday, March 26, 2018

593 - What's in it for Me?

Spirituality Column #593
March 27, 2018
Common Christianity / Uncommon Commentary

What’s in it for Me?
By Bob Walters

"I believed that Christ was God incarnate, that the tomb was empty, that the resurrected Christ sits at the right hand of the Father and will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead.  These are not psychological projections of my religious self-consciousness.  They  are beliefs about time and reality. ..." Carl Trueman, Paul Wooley Professor of Church History, Westminster Theological Seminary.

Perhaps the easiest way to motivate an evangelical Christian to run from the room (or off the property) is to assert the primacy of dogma in the true, orthodox Christian faith.

Oops, I said "dogma."  Are you still with me?  It's a word that should be read as "fundamental, time-honored, faithfully-vetted core truth" about the Father, Son, Holy Spirit, salvation, and the humanity of Christianity, such as Trueman states above.

Unfortuntately - and I go so far as to say "heretically" - dogma is intellectual anathema in the "Me"-centric world of too-many contemporary Bible-lite, nominally "Christian" churches that preach personal experience, self-fulfillment, activism, and "What the Bible means to Me."  Better to seek, I think, what the Bible means to God.

'Dogma" is a word that clears out the sanctuary if "I" am the reason I'm there.

You see, "dogma" happens when we get serious about the person of Christ and what this Holy Week and Easter and the resurrection truly mean in the context of God's plan for all mankind.  It's far more valuable, in other words, to lean on the wisdom and spirit of 2,000 years of Christian discernment and thought - the dogma - of the enormity of what the Bile means to God, rather than the tiny-ness and doom of what the Bible "means to me."  "Shine your inner truth" is a great sales pitch for the church of Oprah, but God through Jesus Christ affords us a cosmic all-time truth if we can just get over ourselves and focus on the reality of Christ, not the passions and politics of our personal moment.  Those moments pass; Jesus is a partner for all time.

Dr. Trueman, an esteemed church historian and evangelical, is quoted from his wonderful 2015 essay "Newman for Protestants" in First Things magazine that recently re-appeared online.  Trueman describes what for him as a perspective-changing intellectual experience at age 27 of reading a book by controversial 19th century apologist and future cardinal John Henry Newman on Newman's conversion from Anglican to Roman Catholic.

Trueman desperately wanted to hate Newman because of Newman's writings against evangelical Protestantism, but could only admire Newman because of the fundamental questions and truths Newman gently posed requiring deep philosophical thought on whom, exactly, is the person of Christ, and what, really, is the Church?

Dogma provides truth claims upon which one's faith can stand both the test of time and the "suicidal excesses" of unfettered and, I might add, self-directed human thought. That's the sad position of today's secular society, even as huge churches fill with worshippers this weekend.  "What's in it for me?" is the wrong issue to ponder.

Knowing Jesus is our most profound Christian duty and joy.  Happy Easter.

Walters ( clarifies that it was John "Newton" who wrote "Amazing Grace," not "Newman."  Here is a link to Truman's article: Newman for Protestants
Monday, March 19, 2018

592 - The Last Thing on Earth...

Spirituality Column #592
March 20, 2018
Common Christianity / Uncommon Commentary

The Last Thing on Earth…
By Bob Walters

Billy Graham and Stephen Hawking have now left us with their last things on Earth.

What a contrast.

Graham left us with infinite and eternal hope of life everlasting in the love, truth, and salvation of Jesus Christ; Hawking left us with grim warnings of human malfeasance, impending global catastrophe, and unknown dangers from space.

Please notice here: I’m not shouting, mocking, condemning, or blaming.  With others, I am noticing the obituaries of these two globally famous, accomplished souls.  People everywhere sat up and took notice when they died.  With others, I too weep over the loss of both these brilliant men, though I must admit much moreso for Hawking than Graham, which I’ll get to shortly.  Their similarities and differences were striking.

Nobody was an evangelist quite like Billy; and nobody was a physicist quite like Stephen.  A dismissive secular world arrayed career-long disdain and disbelief on Graham’s proclamations of Jesus and Heaven, while the Christian world – all of it – could not and cannot dismiss the energy and effectiveness of his mission.  His critics notwithstanding, countless lost souls found faith and salvation in Jesus Christ because Billy Graham preached the Bible, the Gospel, the truth, and his belief.

Hawking’s declarations in the scientific and even the non-scientific world carry the weight and worth of secular scripture.  His vast capacity for mathematics, physics, philosophy, cosmic phenomena, and creativity of thought in a variety of fields had the world hanging on his every word.  Hawking’s courage and perseverance amid horrific physical challenges are absolutely a champion’s example of overcoming adversity.

Neither man was exclusive in his work.  Everywhere, dedicated preachers bring souls to Christ, and everywhere, brilliant scientists reveal secrets of our natural world – what I would call God’s Creation.  But Graham knew everything comes from and returns to God; Hawking ended up thinking nothing came from or goes back to God.  That’s the difference; that’s why I weep for Hawking and all empty souls who so depart this life.

Hawking’s mind, to me, was proof of the wonder of God’s Creation.  I’ve long thought it a mistake to view science as somehow “competing” with or overshadowing or replacing God’s truth.  I believe science reveals God’s truth: the fascinating particulars of the “how” part of Creation, so lightly covered in the Bible.  The Bible focuses on the Why of God’s righteousness and the Who of Jesus Christ, not How God did it.

Hawking’s final warning for life on planet Earth – human aggression, over-population, climate change, pending asteroid strikes, even alien invasion – do not have the prophetic ring of the loving divine.  They have the paranoid feel of cynicism and fear.

As Hawking’s brilliant mind seemed a sign that God must exist, his body was surely a sign of the fallenness of creation and mankind.  That Hawking in the end settled on a non-God, atheistic worldview is a signal to us all that brilliance and faith, such gifts when they come together, serve fear and despair when the equation excludes Christ.

The last thing on Earth I want is an equation without hope.

Walters ( will not second-guess the reach of God’s mercy.
Monday, March 12, 2018

591 - The Root of Our Faith

Spirituality Column #591
March 13, 2018
Common Christianity / Uncommon Commentary

The Root of Our Faith
By Bob Walters

It is fatefully and frightfully easy to misread the Bible by assuming its main focus is to tell us who we should be, what we should do, and how we should love, behave, and think.

While that’s all good stuff to consider and the Bible does provide much direction on all those things, there is an infinitely larger scriptural point to be made that is often lost amid the too-easily-seductive search for specifics about Creation, prophesy, heaven, eschatology (end times), miracles, healing, and the like.

I’m convinced the purpose and key message of the Bible is to tell us who God is, and that who we are as human beings emanates from that.  Focusing on the relative minutia of the smaller pieces of God’s cosmic glory, to me, is akin to studying a single tree and missing the grandeur of the forest.

Here’s an example.  Consider the Creation story in Genesis.  The Bible says “six days” and many insist that means “six days” (with the seventh for God’s rest).  Fine.  Whether it is literally “six days” or not, let’s don’t trip over the very first chapter of the Bible and miss the far larger divine point: God created everything, and did it with love and righteousness.  The big news to me is that everything God created He pronounced to be “good.”  After creating man on the sixth day, in Genesis 1:31 He pronounced His entire creation “very good.”  (One could surmise that God then made the whole thing perfect when He created woman because Adam needed help).

Taking the whole Bible into consideration, the Gospels (e.g. John 1:1-2) and elsewhere teach us that God declared Jesus responsible for creation and gave Jesus authority over all Creation.  That truth is way bigger than me or how long creation took.

The point isn’t to ignore the trees: by all means study them, get to know them, understand them.  But don’t get tangled up in a tree to the extent that one of two disastrous things happens. One is to become convinced that one’s salvation depends on one’s view of that one “tree” – a single biblical, theological, or doctrinal theme.  The other is to judge others’ salvation (always a bad idea) based on their view of Creation, heaven, miracles, or what have you.  This is where souls become lost and fearful amid the trees instead of beholding and trusting the magnificence of the forest.

If I’m convinced of anything else it is that a relationship with God through Jesus Christ is unique to the person who has it.  This is how I read the “arms and legs of the body” and the “mansion with many rooms” imagery of the New Testament.  Our talents and interests matter but our salvation arrives through our faith in Christ, not our knowledge of how God operates.  There is room for us all in the Kingdom of Heaven.

I don’t spend much time on Creation, heaven, eschatology, prophecy, miracles and so forth.  I have no doubt whatsoever of God’s provision, presence, and perfection in these areas, but gladly rest and find peace in the arms and splendor of Jesus.

He is the root system of the entire forest.

Walters ( notes that as “the love of money is the root of all evil” (1 Timothy 6:10), the love of Jesus is the root of all good.
Monday, March 5, 2018

590 - Me or Thee?

Spirituality Column #590
March 6, 2018
Common Christianity / Uncommon Commentary

Me or Thee?
By Bob Walters

Here is a poser: Is salvation about me or is it about God?

Both parties are required, obviously.  Without “me” – i.e., you, us, we, humanity, you know, people – there is nothing to save.  Without God, well, there is no “us” or anything else because without God nothing is created.  We aren’t having this conversation and neither are the Darwinists, atheists, or anybody else.

There is no conversation.

But we are having this conversation because a God whose glory is paramount to all things in the universe created a being in His own image – us –for Him to both love and to share in His divine glory.  How does it happen?  As God knows us and the very hairs on our heads (Matthew 10:30), He gives us the faculty to know Him back.  He provides us the capacity to think, which enables us to love, to choose, to believe, to work, to learn, and to abide with him.  God throws in freedom to allow us to make righteously good or sinfully bad decisions.  Why? Because love, the thing that God truly is, glorifies nothing without free relationship.  Love, real love, cannot be coerced.

The fact is we don’t have to love God; it’s the smart play but it’s not forced.  God plants a hunger in us to seek that from whence we came – Him – and a curiosity about our origins, purpose, and destiny.  It is the most complex of our intellectual yearnings.

Christianity has helped me simplify all that.  Our origin?  We are from God because He wanted us here.  For what purpose?   His love and glory.  Our destiny? Freedom to fully share in God’s love and glory and live with him and the saints in His kingdom forever … or not.  The Bible says faith in Jesus makes the eternal difference.

I bring this up because Christian believers are always posing this question – “Don’t you want to be saved? – to non-believers or quasi-believers or seekers or whomever out in the world,”  It’s a simple question if you know Jesus; but an utterly opaque proposition if one doesn’t.  I had no idea what salvation was or why I’d want it before I became a Christian and knew it in my heart, in baptism, and in communion.

Salvation means life with God forever, but we cadge the deep meaning of this gift by conflating this life’s joys and challenges with eternal life’s endless glory of God.  Sure, our life’s mission should be to accept and anticipate our eternal life with Christ, but we routinely and selfishly insist on relief from the travails of daily life and pray for comforts in the here and now.  “What have you done for me lately?” we lamely bargain.

We are bequeathed this free option of salvation, which by the way has already been accomplished for each of us on the cross of Jesus Christ.  Yet so often it is inappropriately “sold” in the Christian community as a gradated reward for behavior, not rightly positioned as the singularly most important, game-changing, cosmic gift of human life: becoming one with God’s fullness, love, and glory in His eternal Kingdom.

Hence I ponder: “Do I want salvation for my glory, or for God’s?”

I believe salvation is a Godly team effort of truth and grace: that we do for Him in love as He does for us; and that it is for our sake that God offers the gift.

I believe our salvation is won by accepting it … for God’s sake.

Walters ( grasps salvation as truth, not merely hope.



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