745 - The Evil 'I', Part 2
Spirituality Column #745
February 23, 2021
Common Christianity / Uncommon Commentary
The Evil ‘I,’ Part 2
By Bob Walters
“We have met the enemy, and he is us!” – Pogo, 1970
poster / comic strip by Walt Kelly
We want to be in charge.
We really, really do.
Whether people, all humanity, philosophers, politicians,
control-freaks of every stripe, even the timid souls who know neither victory
nor defeat, it is implanted in our willful, human, universal being that we
should have the ultimate, permanent, authoritative say regarding the world in
which we live and of how things ought to be.
But … we don’t, though we encounter things all around us
that are permanent.
Such as? How about all
the God stuff, the “Mother Nature” stuff?
The sun rising and setting, the stars at night, the moon going from full
to dark to full, the cycles of wind systems across the earth, the perpetual evaporative
cycle that pulls water up from the oceans, waters our lands, and then returns
to the sea. Our relative presence on
earth is seemingly unnecessary; our earthly labors, desires, and initiatives … meaningless.
If that sounds familiar, it’s a direct lift from the Bible’s
Ecclesiastes 1. The teacher / searcher
who almost everyone agrees is Solomon (we can’t even control agreement on that),
is telling us that in this otherwise and, on its face, totally depressing Old
Testament book, the only thing that does have meaning is that which God
And God is amazingly, incredibly, and often annoyingly to
us, consistent.
Why is it that we were shaped in the image of God, yet we
don’t get to control that which God designed to serve our existence? Ray Stedman wrote, “The Bible tells us that
people were created to be the crown of creation. They are the ones who are in dominion over
all things. People ought to last
endlessly and nature ought to be changing, but it is the other way around. Humans feel the protest of this in their
And when we protest the consistency of God, that’s the door
through which Satan enters our being and muddles our view – muddles the
cosmic truth – of God’s ultimate, objective goodness, His love, and His
absolute righteousness.
Evil lurks in this world in more than just human-generated
interactions that result in jealousies, injustices, wars, and the like. We perceive evil visited upon humanity from
the natural world as well: weather disasters, diseases, earthquakes, volcanos,
plagues, infestations … not to mention the death and temporal frailty of our
human bodies.
Where is our strength?
Where is our freedom? Where is
our hope? Where is our ability not to
ruin ourselves and our world? Where is
our purpose that as we live in this world over which we have so little control
we find the promised glory of God?
The teacher / searcher is telling us that everything in life
is meaningless: except God. We must learn through our steady faith in God – discoverable
through our minds, spirits, and souls – that we have one shot at a permanent
place in God’s Kingdom.
And what is that discovery that has meaning? That does not pollute our living being and
God’s creation with Satan’s wiles and misplaced angst against our Lord?
It is our discovery of Jesus Christ, of faith in Him, and
the truth of God’s love.
That’s what turns the world of our Evil “I” – me – into
eternal confidence in and relationship with the Good One. Let’s strive to be in charge of sharing that
Walters (rlwcom.aol.com), speaking of pollution, notes
that the Pogo quote was on an anti-pollution poster Kelly drew for the very
first Earth Day, April 22, 1970.