Monday, July 2, 2012

294 - The Good, the Bad, and Democracy

Spirituality Column #294
July 3, 2012
Current in Carmel – Westfield – Noblesville – Fishers – Zionsville

The Good, the Bad, and Democracy
By Bob Walters
Author of Common Christianity / Uncommon Commentary

“It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except for all the others that have been tried.”
    – Sir Winston Churchill

Democracy is a funny animal.

I can’t think of another form of government that so thoroughly, broadly, and top-to-bottom intrinsically frees and animates both the best and worst aspects of human nature.

Humanity’s best aspects are those we get from God – love, serving others, the greater good, duty, humility, generosity, honesty, mercy, peace, patience, kindness, etc.  Galatians 5:22-23 calls these things “fruits of the spirit,” and Jesus is God’s perfect example of humanity.

We are blessed if we witness at least glimmers of these traits in our neighbors, family, friends, and government on a daily basis.  American democracy facilitates these positive attributes whether we attend church or not; and anyway, we are made in the image of God whether we believe in God or not.  God’s image in democracy is the shiny fruit and bright reflection of personal freedom, creativity, and respect for others.

Our worst human aspects come from Satan – pride, greed, sloth, hatred, rage, sexual immorality, drunkenness, treachery, and the like.  Galatians 5:16-21 is a concise catalogue of what God considers to be elements of the “sinful nature.”  To Satan these elements are “business as usual”; democracy selectively defends some as “rights.”

Obviously, we see a lot of this around us every day as well.  Humanity’s worst aspects, like its best, are dependably distributed among a democratic population irrespective of professed religion, church, worship habits or generic “faith.”

Exceptions aside, Americans with or without a defined faith generally assume the existence of God.  That’s a good thing.  But widespread cultural confusion regarding religion, morality and freedom is destructive.  That’s a sign of human fallenness, not of God’s flaws.

Our national character is diminished rather than buoyed by the ongoing systematized, politicized, “de-religioning” of America.  That’s not a good thing.  Our culture is especially, grievously hard on the most important things: prayer, the Bible, Jesus Christ, Christian truth, and the absolute trustworthiness of God’s morality.  Our doubt is a recipe for unexceptionalism.

Oddly, it’s academics who refute religion and God’s truth most loudly when one would think true intelligence would defend God most fiercely.  I can’t begin to fathom how de-emphasizing God ever marks moral progress or cultural strength.

As we celebrate our American democracy and human freedom this Fourth of July, let’s pray for God to help us nurture and share our best human aspects.  Satan will certainly be nearby willing to help with the rest.  After all, this is a democracy.

Walters (, who will talk about “justice” next week, posts a former column “Classic” each Friday here at


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