Tuesday, January 21, 2014

375 - Stories, Myths and Legends

Spirituality Column #375
January 21, 2014
Current in Carmel-Westfield-Noblesville-Fishers-Zionsville

Stories, Myths and Legends
By Bob Walters

I’m going to go out on a limb and assert the Bible is true.
All of it.  Old Testament, New Testament.  All of it.
Yes, even the parts we don’t understand, don’t like, don’t match up with science, seem unfair, and generally put the ball of wisdom and glory in God’s court at every turn.
Just to be clear … all true.  The Bible.  That’s what I’m saying.
You’ll notice this conflicts with what the general media, most educational institutions, halls of government and sadly more than a few churches present as “truth.”  Biblical references are minimized, misrelated (if not completely misunderstood), taken out of context, not taken seriously … or mocked when they are taken seriously.
Our current, broadband public narrative of biblical reality is “Yes there is an old book called the Bible and yes it’s OK to develop a light grasp of what’s in it.  But beware of people who actually believe everything they read in the Bible and pray sincerely for the One True God’s leading, interpretation and wisdom.  They must be excluded from representing mainstream thought and offering intellectual instruction.”
That’s how society rolls rather than embracing the Bible as God’s authoritative voice of moral truth and God-glorifying, freeing love for all humanity.
You’d think we’d “get that” in a nation founded on God-given human freedom.

But no.  Acceptable truth is relative truth, the province of smart folks – editors, professors, administrators, politicians, activists, entertainers, cultural icons, scientists – who find God’s existence unproven and God’s truth mere superstition.  They insist empirical knowledge generated in human brains supersedes faith and must command dominance over the dangerous, outdated, disproven machinations of the Bible.

This is the tyranny of the biblically uninformed, not the blessing of the intellectually superior.  This is the misdirection of those who see in the Bible faux stories, myths, and legends – untrue and entirely open to modern man’s most convenient application or denial.  This is the dark, cynical, mischievous insincerity of those who reinterpret social structures favorable to modern, self-serving thought, never seriously considering the possibility that God’s truth once remains God’s truth forever.

The Bible tells of branches and vines and fruit and the Kingdom of God.  Properly understood, John 15 makes it plain that separating ourselves and our truth from the Bible separates our entire society from God, from Jesus Christ, from the Holy Spirit, and from their holy, unwavering and unending trustworthiness.

The Bible’s stories, myths and legends reveal truth larger than mankind.  Always.

Walters (rlwcom@aol.com) is floored when those who do not believe in the Bible are positioned in the media as experts on the Bible.  It’s a fool’s exercise, like pontificating on the baseball rulebook without ever witnessing a game.



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