Monday, July 7, 2014

399 - About those Unalienable Rights

Spirituality Column #399
July 8, 2014
Current in Carmel-Westfield-Noblesville-Fishers-Zionsville

About those Unalienable Rights
By Bob Walters
“…endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights …” – Thomas Jefferson, The Declaration of Independence, July 1776
“Rights” sure have been in the news a lot lately.
“Rights” are steadfast and assumed.  “Rights” are what I deserve.  “Rights” are American and not to be messed with.  “Rights,” by golly, are endowed by our Creator.
So as society’s collective head explodes over competing ideas of rights – gay rights, marriage rights, gun rights, athlete rights, free speech rights, the Bill of Rights, my rights, your rights, civil rights – we are hearing a whole lot more about all these “rights” than about the Creator who endowed them.
When a Federal judge recently and singlehandedly struck down Indiana’s long-standing ban on gay marriage, one erudite fellow I know called it a victory – finally! – for “rights.”  In looking at the media, he definitely is not alone in that sentiment.  But it made me stop and ask: If rights are that big a deal, where do they really come from?  And if rights do indeed come from the Creator – i.e., God – then what mechanisms allow us to invoke His supreme authority and eternal approval on these rights?
The answers are out there, obvious to discern and easy to find if we sincerely want them.  They are Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, the Bible, and Church.  But lately American secular “rights” have liberally and falsely assumed the authoritative weight of divine empowerment.  Man increasingly skips over the part where the divine Creator actually IS the divine empowerment.  What I’m hearing is, “I have rights! I don’t care what God says.”  How twisted is that?
Thomas Jefferson enumerated the “unalienable rights” of “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”  While not exactly in the Bible, it is nonetheless remarkable. For men to then design a political system that guarantees, for the most part, the rights of the individual person over the whims and caprices of government is history’s greatest political achievement.
Argue all you want about who the Christian believers were and weren’t among the Founding Fathers.  But to invoke “rights” endowed by a Creator they had to embrace the moral authority of the Bible as God’s word, and appreciate their personal obligation to honor the Creator.  Responsibility to God and others is both the foundation and animating core of our freedom and rights.
Lately, mankind’s whims and caprices have become “rights.”  The Bible is capriciously reinterpreted, rewritten, redacted, maligned or ignored to enable man’s worldly, temporal happiness to supersede the Creator God’s eternal glory.
“Rights” have divine authority only when they glorify God’s creation.  That’s a truly unalienable rule.
Walters ( notes that humans have done anti-Creator things since the beginning.  That’s why mankind needs Jesus.


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