Monday, February 23, 2015

432 - Perfectly Understandable

Spirituality Column #432
February 24, 2015
Current in Carmel-Westfield-Noblesville-Fishers-Zionsville

Perfectly Understandable
By Bob Walters
Most of the time in this space I prefer to write about Christ rather than Christians because Christ is perfect.  Christians are not.
While Christian flaws are rampant, it’s hard to find anyone possessing even the most elemental familiarity with Jesus along with an ember’s worth of faith and understanding who would say, “Y’know, that Jesus fellow was really a bad guy with a lot of bad ideas.”
The recent historical mega exceptions are folks like Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot, Mao, etc.  Their rabid followers saw in these secular leaders a mistaken truth and supposed salvation that in reality only resides with God the Father, Son and Spirit.  Even then, the problem wasn’t that these guys made specific war on Jesus Christ – although an argument can be made that they did – but that each of these 20th century Hall of Fame mass murderers thought their political and power ambitions were superior to any other social construct, including the freedom provided in Jesus Christ.
Like the Roman magistrates who were led by the Jewish leaders to see Jesus as a threat to 1st century Roman sovereignty, these 20th century killers were not solely focused on eradicating Jesus; they simply didn’t want the competition – Christian freedom, for instance – suborning their earthly, dictatorial authority.
Certainly, we don’t have to commit genocide to give great aid and comfort to mayhem’s great champion, Satan.  Rather, just replace the truth and wisdom of Christ with one’s own fleshly and hence intellectually limited cocktail of morality, relativity, appetites and “being a good person.”  Voila, one’s place is secured among Satan’s pantheon of fallen humanity perceiving truth existing not in the Bible, not in the Church, not in the love of Jesus Christ and certainly not in the ultimate judgment and justice of God, but in perdition’s darkened mirror.
With a society-wide, burgeoning majority of secular, liberal, “my religion is no religion” academic pontificators, judicial reconstructionists, social justice devotees and self-help evangelists, modern America bears an alarming though perfectly understandable, societal, macro-miscomprehension of divine values.
We worry about radical Islam, which has a religious position of “Jihad” somewhat akin to the aforementioned “Hall of Fame” – “Jihad” seeks to eradicate anyone who is not them.  Radical Islam gives us great discomfort but, so far anyway, hasn’t produced nearly the body count of the past century’s largest secular killers.
Whoever may want to remind us Christians of our historical imperfections, I get it.  But the great present-day threat to American freedom is neither medieval Christianity nor modern Islam; it is secularism’s stupid indifference to Christ.
Gaining Christ – humbly, intellectually and reverently – alone secures human freedom. 
That’s the lesson of history.
Walters ( is an expert on Christians not being perfect.


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