Monday, December 26, 2016

528 - Good News is Real News

Spirituality Column No. 528
December 27, 2016
Common Christianity / Uncommon Commentary

Good News is Real News
By Bob Walters

“And the angel said unto them (shepherds), ‘Fear not; for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.’” – Luke 2:10 KJV

The angels of God deal only in divine truth while the minions of Satan deal only in unholy falsehoods.

Be sure that those awestruck, reverent, simple shepherds on that hill near Bethlehem two thousand years ago knew the truth when they heard it just as surely as, ever since, so many people haven’t, don’t and won’t.

Recognize the truth, I mean.  The good tidings. The Good News.

God’s truth is simple and direct and has but one purpose: to glorify God.  Satan’s lies are complex and clandestine, also possessing but one goal: stealing God’s glory.  Across the great spectrum between these extremes and absolutes lay the temptations, aspirations, frustrations, hopes, fears, wiles, faith, deceits, desperation, pride, sins and love of mankind.  It is so very, very difficult to peel back all those layers of our own humanity and find the core truth; the real, true good news of all existence, which is this:

Jesus Christ is Savior and Lord; the incarnate deity sent into the human world by a loving God to restore humanity’s lost divine image and heavenly relationship in the Kingdom of the Creator God Almighty, for His glory, forever. Amen.

God’s good news comes with a one-question final exam: “Do you believe?”

It is not a question asking for an opinion, because in the face of the supreme truth our opinions are just like our lives: fallen, lost, hopeless and as the poet put it, “nasty, brutish and short.”  It is not our opinion or works or even our faith that saves us; it is the truth of Jesus that saves us.  After all, we can have faith in the wrong things and our opinions generally reveal our pride and cosmic smallness.  We see an exception to this in Luke 2:15, when the shepherds in faith venture the opinion that they should go to Bethlehem and “see this thing which has come to pass.”

The shepherds trusted the truth without knowing what “this thing” actually was.

As we shake the snowflakes off of this year’s Christmas celebration, it rings loudly in my ears how much I heard publicly about “faith” and “belief” with no mention of Jesus.  Due to recent celebrity conversation, whether or not we have “hope” – again, no Jesus – is media fodder.  And the over-riding media theme of the moment is “fake news” amid the dearth of coverage of the Christmas story’s real and truly Good News.

That’s not to categorically condemn modern day secular journalists, politicians, academicians and other culture warriors intent on manufacturing and distributing “truth” – opinions bent to their own un-angelic social, economic and educational agendas. They are sinners like the rest of us whom Jesus came to save like the rest of us.

Satan always puts human opinion squarely in the way of God’s Good News.

Walters ( read a Christmas Eve day newspaper editorial about “the magic of Christmas” that, in 800 words, never once mentioned Jesus.  Sigh.
Monday, December 19, 2016

527 - The Cross, Christmas and Freedom, Part 4

Spirituality Column No. 527
December 20, 2016
Common Christianity / Uncommon Commentary

2016 Christmas Series: The Gift of Freedom, Part 4
The Cross, Christmas and Freedom
By Bob Walters

Reinforcing my great joy in Christ and providing a profound reminder of salvation was the humbug lawsuit removing the cross from the public Christmas tree in Knightstown.
It reminded me that my freedom in Christ is overwhelming compared with the spotty smallness of laws and symbols.  It reinforced the joyous truth of the completeness of Christ vs. the dreary intellectual barrenness of the frightened, secular chattering class of the perpetually offended.  They know not what they are missing.
Two enormous issues of freedom were attendant to this dance of desolate intentions.  One imperils our constitutional government; the other is pure folly.
The danger was not to the “offended” plaintiff or to common decency or even to Jesus, but to our necessary civic freedom to express our faith and opinions.  The folly is in thinking a Christmas tree or a cross has any affect whatsoever on the truth, power, dignity, righteousness and permanence of Jesus Christ.  Christ is sufficient in Himself.
In the civic/government/legal/media arena of the Knightstown issue, liberals described the crusading valor of the ACLU while conservatives decried the nauseating infringement of a community’s freedom to express its moral values.  Sadly, too much of public “Christmas” already has nothing to do with moral values and everything to do with avarice and affront avoidance.  “Happy Holidays,” anyone?   Why does their right to remain in darkness outrank my right to express the goodness of Jesus – with a cross –  in this season of light?  A sincere “Merry Christmas” is the nicest greeting we can offer.
My friend Peter Heck, a national speaker, media figure, educator on US history and adept Christian apologist, well and succinctly enumerated the very real, serious and dangerous legal lunacy, constitutional impairment and community affront embodied in this “take the cross off the Christmas tree” Grinch-fest (video link below).
The folly of the lawsuit is that civic decrees and legal miscreants cannot touch, impair or reduce the promise of Christ.  Look at how the Pharisees and Romans tried to stop Jesus.  Instead they unwittingly fulfilled God’s will, enabled the completion of Christ’s mission and harkened the Holy Spirit into the hearts and minds of humanity.
As Christians we have the freedom to be unchained from artifacts and symbols, and even from Christmas if we so desire.  Jesus never mandated any festival or celebration – not even for the incarnation of God – because the freedom of Jesus already is in our hearts.  This is God’s gift.  It is prudent to defend our constitution against twisted “civic” agendas, and crazy to think Jesus can be stopped.
We have the freedom to find and be found by Him, to know Him, love Him and to follow His will by loving others (yes, even the ACLU), or to shun, snub and mock Him.
Whether we accept the gift is a choice upon which our eternal freedom rests.
Walters ( admires the Knightstown townsfolks’ plucky response of putting crosses everywhere including their cars (much better than reindeer noses and antlers, he observes).  See Heck’s brief video here.
Monday, December 12, 2016

526 - The Gift of Freedom, Part 3

Spirituality Column No. 526
December 13, 2016
Common Christianity / Uncommon Commentary

The Gift of Freedom, Part 3
By Bob Walters

Say you go to church, believe in God, trust Jesus and accept the Holy Spirit.  Are you…

            A. Shackled to Jesus by your sin?
            B. Spiritually free from your sin through Jesus?
            C. Free to do whatever you want because Jesus loves you anyway?
            D. Expecting a physical, material, monetary or social status reward?

The correct answer here – I hope it’s obvious – is “B.”

Christians go to church for a lot of different reasons.  Some go (A) because of their sin, shame and guilt, which makes church a hospital or jail; something most people want to get out of.  Some (C) take a chunk of scripture about “love” – e.g. John 3:16 “For God so loved the world,” etc., and mistake their own worldly appetites for God’s divine word and build a church full of popular culture but absent biblical responsibility.  The (D) self-directed prosperity Gospel says “Get a blessing” vs. “Be a blessing.”

Most people have some idea that “God exists.”  It takes some prayer, Bible reading, coaching, diligence and discernment to truly understand what God said, what Jesus promised and what the Holy Spirit offers.  It also takes some time, patience and being challenged to discover what it all means.  Freedom is the result of getting it right; bondage is the result of getting it wrong.

When I think back on the times in my adult life when I have cried – I mean really let loose – the only ones I remember were from sadness, fear or relief.  My parents died, my dog was hit by a car.  I lost a job, a career, a home.  My cancer surgery (long before I knew Jesus) was successful.  Nowadays when I pray out loud, especially a prayer of thanks or love, tears easily flow and my voice not infrequently collapses.  All the while I feel the great relief of witnessing God’s work, love and presence.

And I feel entirely free.

Satan is the great deceiver, liar and tempter, and there is no truth in him.  Yet his best trick is convincing humans that their own freedom is in creating a distance from God and in blurring God’s holy word into unholy, prideful blobs of false promises, false hopes, false doctrine and false, temporal “truth,” all adding up to false freedom.

Bondage is believing a truth that God didn’t ordain.

Satan makes real-deal truth hard to find, but Christ’s real-deal freedom is hard to beat.  Satan stands in front of both truth and freedom with camouflage, argument, enticements, accusations and condemnation; fiercely shooting false but deadly arrows of cultural preferences, popular opinion, political dogmas and self-glorifying religion.  The errant, freedom-killing focus, always is “me.”  Freedom’s true focus, always, is God’s love.

Kingdom freedom (B) is God’s glory; hell’s bondage is Satan’s only promise.

Walters ( notes that the relief – the freedom – of knowing Jesus is being able to ignore Satan’s lies.
Monday, December 5, 2016

525 - The Gift of Freedom, Part 2

Spirituality Column No. 525
December 6, 2016
Common Christianity / Uncommon Commentary

The Gift of Freedom, Part 2
By Bob Walters

“The debt of gratitude flows from the debt of love, and from the latter, no man should wish to be free.” – St. Thomas Aquinas

Christianity properly lived is a divine cycle of gifts, giving, grace, mercy, humility and gratitude that multiply into mankind’s complete freedom and God’s ultimate glory.

When Christianity is improperly lived, humanity enslaves itself in guilt, shame, fear, prejudice and want pridefully dividing Christ into “good” obedience, “bad” habits, “suspect” religion and “earthly” burdens that dilute joy and divert hope into self-centered appetites and theological confusion.  Condemnation is not what Jesus had in mind.

The difference in the scenarios above emanates from man’s intention either to unflinchingly love and fully trust God’s will, or to merely allow for the possibility of God, conditionally tolerate others and subordinate God’s will to one’s own personal, worldly, rooting interest in a given situation.  These various intentions are formed, I think, in the way we understand the debt we have in Jesus, and whether we understand that in Christ “debt” enforces freedom rather than slavery.

It’s just the craziest thing.

Godly freedom, impossibly, is entirely a convoluted gift of giving; a joyous debt.  But then Jesus, impossibly, is a savior no human could have expected.  God Himself showed up – “the Word became flesh,” (John 1:14) – solving a problem mankind didn’t know it had by offering to us the Godly gift we never knew we wanted: eternal life through His own horrendous earthly death.  The problem to which mankind was blind was our inability to match God’s righteousness after the fall of Adam and Eve.  Israel mistakenly thought it could bridge that distance with works and piety within the law, further not understanding that God’s intention all along was to bequeath all humanity with the love and trust of freedom, not the shackles of perpetual debt and obedience.

What Aquinas is saying, I think, is that our only “debt” is not to wish to be free from God’s love or to abandon the joy-giving gratitude of sharing it.  Our “debt” is to love and give, and it’s in loving and giving that we express our freedom.  That’s how we tell God, “Thank you.”  It’s not possible to pay Him back, and silly to imagine we could.

Freedom’s proper expression is loving God and others. Hence, we err grievously when we think human freedom is about, “I can do what I want.”  That’s pride, and pride is the flip side of a giving and gracious spirit which actually is our freedom in Christ.

Like Paul said: “You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love.” (Galatians 5:13).

God indebted us with the gift of freedom so we could freely give it to others.

Isn’t that wild?

Walters ( notes that the living water of Jesus (John 4:14) is a lifelong thirst quencher, not merely Christmas refreshment.
Monday, November 28, 2016

524 - The Gift of Freedom, Part 1

Spirituality Column No. 524
November 29, 2016
Common Christianity / Uncommon Commentary

The Gift of Freedom, Part 1
By Bob Walters

“Liberty cannot be established without morality, nor morality without faith.” ― Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America

Alexis de Tocqueville, that great, perceptive French social observer of mid-1800s America, noticed and admired America’s citizen-by-citizen freedom of association.

Citizens in America, de Tocqueville marveled, were free to form affiliations in pursuit of common goals.  This freedom from royal government rules, power, edicts, ownership and interference – a novel fundamental of the U.S. Constitution – fueled the engine of young America’s exploding-in-all-directions prosperity, power, discovery, manufacturing, technology and Christian faith.

These U.S. citizens were not serfs or colonists or mere inhabitant caretakers unattached to their land but for whatever meager sustenance it provided; they were unshackled owners who freely and fiercely defended property and provenance.   America was resource-rich, providentially indulged and intellectually unleashed.

That’s how de Tocqueville saw America’s 1830s present.  Here is how he assessed her future:

"I sought for the greatness and genius of America in her commodious harbors and her ample rivers – and it was not there … in her fertile fields and boundless forests and it was not there … in her rich mines and her vast world commerce – and it was not there . . . in her democratic Congress and her matchless Constitution – and it was not there. Not until I went into the churches of America and heard her pulpits aflame with righteousness did I understand the secret of her genius and power. America is great because she is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, she will cease to be great.” – Democracy in America

Those “pulpits aflame with righteousness” were the rolling thunder of the early nineteenth century’s Second Great Awakening, the miracle of Christian revivalism and biblical blanketing of the expanding American frontier.  We were not then a nation of theologians nor are we now, but Jesus Christ was the unrivaled moral compass of the age and culture.  The civil and political freedoms de Tocqueville so eloquently lauded could only be preserved, he forewarned, by the moral resolve of a faithful citizenry.

Freedom is a specifically divine gift when first we insist that freedom be of benefit and comfort to others.  It is your insistence on my freedom, and vice versa, that describes and assigns a free community’s love for each other and exemplifies our trust in God’s goodness.  It requires the humility, resolve and strength exemplified by Jesus.

Exceptions abound in our national morality play – we are an imperfect nation of imperfect people.  We are at our best when we use our freedom to come together and attach our liberty to Christ.  Goodness grounded in righteousness never goes wrong.

Walters ( cites de Tocqueville’s observation that the “secret weapon” of America’s greatness lay in the superiority of her women.
Monday, November 21, 2016

523 - Yours Truly

Spirituality Column No. 523
November 22, 2016
Common Christianity / Uncommon Commentary

Yours Truly
By Bob Walters

In a season of loud opinions measured against this annual week of humble thanksgiving, I am thankful for truth.

Real truth.  Objective truth.  Divine truth.  The truth of Jesus Christ.

Identifying truth in the world is always done at a human handicap – people in all times, places and cultures have little more than opinions to work with from whence they unapologetically extrapolate intractable but regularly flawed moral judgments.  At this American moment in history, identifying truth is all the more confusing, perhaps impossible, amid a boisterous, rancorous, apparently endless and thoroughly polarized political season.  Do I have hope for our nation?  Yes I do.  Is “hope” a “truth?”  No, in this context it’s merely a contentious point of view.

So in this chattering national conversational climate of crossed purposes and obstinate opinions, why does truth seem so elusive?

Because, I would suggest, we are looking for truth in all the wrong places.

The real deal capital-T truth only exists where the majority of people don’t want to look: in the person of Jesus Christ.  Legal truth, political truth, academic truth, social truth and virtually any other human-generated worldly truth may lead us to pleasant or unpleasant situational and physical realities, but the worst place to look for capital T truth is in a human heart and maybe, especially our own. Let me explain.

“Be true to your heart” can be good or bad or terrible advice.  Although Jesus may well be alive in your heart, never forget Satan is too.  Pride, fear, power, reprisal, greed, faction and many other sins are all heart temptations that make “my truth” vs. “your opinion” an incendiary, love-throttling cocktail.  Arrogance, you see, is unaffiliated with truth because arrogance lacks love.  Jesus, one notices, was pretty humble.

Don’t panic or be offended that Satan is hanging near; he sidled up to Jesus, too.  Just know that truth isn’t the invasive bodily and spiritual temptations of Satan; truth is the person of Jesus Christ: His mercy, compassion, patience, love and glory.

We fumble the ball when we mistake our own opinion for the will of God, and I hate when I do that.  God may reveal His will to us, but we must be aware he reveals it to others as well.  That’s why the holy person of Jesus factors heavily in the truth equation because He is the only truth.  In His own words: “I am the way and the truth and the life…” (John 14:6), and He meant it.  Most likely you know the rest.

Our discernment of truth does not rely on our clever and energetic arguments but on our faith, trust and love of Jesus.

When one possesses all that, thankfully, opinions don’t matter.

Walters ( prays that only the grateful, charitable love and truth of Jesus converge at your Thanksgiving table.  (I know… good luck with that.)
Monday, November 14, 2016

522 - Controlling Interest

Spirituality Column No. 522
November 15, 2016
Common Christianity / Uncommon Commentary
Controlling Interest
By Bob Walters
“God is in control.”
How many times have you heard this uttered through a prayerful but nonetheless held breath?  It is a thoroughly Christian response to tough times, surprising circumstances, incomprehensible challenges or recently and with undue panic, the election of Donald J. Trump as president of the United States.
But while everyone else is discussing the election, I want to discuss “God is in control.” 
Indeed He is. God hung the stars, set the heavens in motion and is the Creator and judge of all things.  Yet considering our wide-ranging human freedom designed and ordained by God, one has to admit that we have plenty of control of our own.  The truth of saying “God is in control” may be more defined by its admonishment to trust God than merely a prayerful surrender to the will of God.
God’s will, you see, is for Him to be glorified; and God is glorified when our free will is entrusted in love, by us, to Jesus Christ.  We mustn’t simply hand-off our “light and momentary” troubles to God to solve them, but to truly trust God in all circumstances, especially awful circumstances that can overcome faith.
The Apostle Paul was lashed, stoned, beaten, shipwrecked, jailed, ridiculed and more than once left for dead.  Yet that meant nothing to Paul compared with the glory of God that is in Christ (2 Corinthians 11:23-29).  Christians are pressed, perplexed, persecuted and struck down (2 Corinthians 4:8-10, 17), yet must fix our eyes not on what is seen and temporary, but on what is unseen and eternal.  Paul thus describes the eternal glory of God that outweighs all human experience, good or bad.
Never forget, human experience is something of which we are in control because God designed it that way.  God’s glory requires that we be entirely free, challenged greatly and yet still find our first love in Jesus Christ.  Do we “pray continually”? (1 Thessalonians 5:17)  That’s code for keeping God ever close.
What if we don’t keep God close?  Well, Adam and Eve listened to Satan instead of God in the Garden, creating endless trouble.  Conversely, Jesus answered Satan with God’s word in the desert, harkening eternal salvation.  That comparison is a tad uneven given Adam and Eve (i.e. humanity) were merely God’s image while Jesus is God incarnate.  But the lesson is that when we are challenged, we mustn’t just assume “God takes control.”  He can, certainly, but God liberally lets us figure things out for ourselves.  What God is wondering is, do our faith and love survive?
Our ultimate test is not in merely and reflexively looking to God for solutions, but whether in tribulation or triumph we humbly and always trust Jesus Christ with our entire life and for all strength, endurance, perseverance, peace and most importantly, love.
God, I believe, is always as close as we allow Him to be.  We can control that.
Walters ( today, Nov. 15, marks the nine-year anniversary of the funeral of dear friend and preacher of the Gospel Russ Blowers, loved by many. 
Monday, November 7, 2016

521 - Where's the Love?

Spirituality Column No. 521
November 8, 2016
Common Christianity / Uncommon Commentary

Where’s the Love?
By Bob Walters

Life basics: God is love, Jesus has all authority, and the Holy Spirit dwells among us providing divine knowledge and comfort.

With these resources, with this truth – our lives of faith should be easy and joyous.  Instead we opt for contention and confusion both inside and outside the faith.

Christians will ball up a fist and hit you repeatedly in the face reminding you of your sin and shame.  Then they’ll ball up the other first and hit you repeatedly with guilt because of Jesus having to “pay a price” for your salvation with a hideous death on the cross.  They’ll then insist this is evidence of God’s tender love and represents a solid foundation on which to enter into a divine, loving, eternal relationship with Jesus to the glory of God.  The themes may be biblically defensible, but the “pitch” is relationally warped.  Love – true love – never comes from accusation or transaction.  It comes from freedom, compassion, mercy and grace; the things that make life easier.

Meanwhile, Jesus-mocking Western-world secularists accuse Christians of arrogance and hypocrisy on one hand and taunt them for a lack of reason, intelligence and sophistication on the other.  Secularists are humans who might give God and Christ a chance if only someone could “prove it” to them.  Two things in the Bible they believe: they’ll go to heaven, and “Don’t judge.”

Though these secular (non-religious) folks are deaf to the Holy Spirit’s call for Christ and the infinite, eternal love or God, they still are able to love others and do good works; and they’ll defend to the death what they love. Privately they may wonder if God exists, but publicly know it’s easier to go along to get along within the ever-diminishing piety of political, social, academic, scientific and cultural norms not having to explain Jesus in their lives.  Odd though how they believe they belong in heaven, the eternal Kingdom home of Jesus in whom they neither believe nor place their trust and love.

Atheists, whom I perceive in actuality to be few in number, militantly reject any notion of a supreme being, though I sense that many public displays of atheism are more fashion than substance.  We are all wired to believe something, and believing in no God is still a belief.  Atheists will argue no, they don’t believe in anything, and some Christians will argue back, yes, they do.  But one divinely important thing I notice is that atheists are perfectly and demonstrably capable of loving others and doing good deeds.

Satan, interestingly enough, is not an atheist.  Satan absolutely knows God exists and what God is all about.  Satan simply does not love and does no good deeds.

So remember, as a Christian, that anywhere you see selfless, self-sacrificing love, you are seeing God.  God is always where the love is.

Walters ( reminds all that 1) God loves and judges on His terms, not ours; and 2) Showing love works better than arguing faith.
Monday, October 31, 2016

520 - 'How Do You Know?'

Spirituality Column No. 520
November 1, 2016
Common Christianity / Uncommon Commentary

How Do You Know?
By Bob Walters

It is Satan’s favorite question.

It is post-modern society’s perpetual challenge.

It is, sneakily, the intellectual antithesis of open-mindedness.

When a believer preaches Godly good, Christian love, Spiritual wholeness and biblical truth; or maybe asserts that “this is right and this is wrong according to God’s word,” the secular world’s default, go-to response of dismissiveness, derision, and, sadly, despair is, “How do you know?”

Doubt is the world’s prevailing response to Godly faith.  Why?  Because Satan is lord of the world, is God’s enemy and his mission is the removal of faith, hope and love.  Satan makes stumbling blocks for humans out of these “image of God” components built into our humanity.  That we know, trust and love God, and love each other, honors God.  Our doubts amuse Satan because he works against God’s glory and our love.

This is Satan’s game, and he’s skilled at it.  Consider the Garden of Eden.  Satan insulted God’s sovereignty; tricked mankind into disobedience; set Adam against Eve; shamed both of them before God and each other; and did it by using against Adam and Eve humanity’s best Godly attribute: freedom.  Not a bad day’s “worldly” work.

Satan’s game in the Garden was, essentially, “How do you know?”

In our post-modern world broad swaths of society deride the very notion of God as being illusion, folly or a sign of feeble-mindedness.  Since God plainly tells mankind throughout the Bible that we will not see or understand much of what He does, Satan has taught us to ridicule faith and demand proof, tickling our doubts with the inadequacy of worldly evidence. By challenging our trust, Satan encourages us to reject God.

“How do you know?”  Game and set to Satan.

You may have noticed that open-mindedness is the intellectual coin and relativistic moral true north of the post-modern realm.  But open-mindedness that believes the absolute truth of God?  Never!  What a conundrum.  God’s greatest gift to humanity is freedom because only in freedom can we discover the divine love that glorifies God, and glorifying God is the entire point of life.  Whatever you may be feeling, if is coerced, self-centered and not free, it is not love.  So the world – Satan – declares morality to be relative thus requiring the Christian be open-minded about secular ways when in truth, doubting secularists would be better off being open-minded about God.

I, personally, don’t see any future in being open-minded about Satan.

And the world says: “How do you know?”  I’m glad they asked.

Because I don’t doubt Christ.

Game, set and match to God.

Walters (, who did in fact (long ago) play small college varsity tennis, here marks 10 years – 520 consecutive weeks – publishing this column. His next book, Common Christianity / Uncommon Commentary, Volume II, is in the works.
Monday, October 24, 2016

519 - Jesus and the Curve Ball

Spirituality Column No. 519
October 25, 2016
Common Christianity / Uncommon Commentary

Jesus and the Curve Ball
By Bob Walters

”’You tryin’ to say Jesus Christ can’t hit a curve ball?” – Chelcie Ross as mythical Cleveland Indians pitcher Eddie Harris in the 1989 movie, “Major League”
For my money it’s one of the funniest yet subtle movie lines ever.
Voodoo-practicing baseball slugger Pedro Cerrano crushes fast balls but can’t hit a curve ball.  Meditating at the incense-burning altar in his baseball locker, Pedro offers voodoo spirit Jobu cigars and rum to take the fear out of his bats.  “Straight ball I hit it very much,” Pedro says to his teammates.  “Curve ball, bats are afraid.”
Eddie the pitcher sticks his head into the scene and piously, derisively suggests, “Y’know you might think about taking Jesus Christ as your savior instead of messing around with all this stuff.”  Pedro smiles, nods and says, “Ah, ‘Haysoose’ (Jesus).  I like him very much, but he no help hit curve ball.”  And Eddie, offended, delivers the line:
“You tryin’ to say Jesus Christ can’t hit a curve ball?”
Well, lo and behold.  In 2016 those once woeful Cleveland Indians are in the World Series for real (against the Cubs, no less), and America euphemistically is trying to hit one of the biggest curve balls in its history: this year’s presidential election.
I doubt our American civic bats – our voting responsibilities – have been this “afraid” since the Civil War, or maybe ever.  Can anyone say, “Strike three”?
This all popped into my head recently after reading a Facebook post saying Jesus was a political rebel who wanted universal health care so there is no way Jesus would vote conservative.  Another meme asserted liberals will hasten the end times.
Let’s be careful with Jesus.  Jesus was a rebel, yes, but in religion, not politics.  He didn’t challenge Rome or argue with Pontius Pilate.   And the Pharisees’ accusatory religious curve balls never fooled him.  Jesus’s “Render unto Caesar” line (Matthew 22:21, Mark 12:17, Luke 20:25) leaves politics to mankind. And what he was trying to heal was sin, not bad health insurance.  While we focus temporally on baseball and presidential polemics, Jesus focuses eternally on God’s glory and our salvation.
C.S. Lewis has a great paragraph in Mere Christianity about Satan tricking us into faith errors against either end of an extreme.  Our extra dislike of the one sin error, Lewis observes, draws us gradually into the opposing sin error.  That’s what’s happening now.  We become so politically disconcerted that suddenly we’re telling one another for whom Jesus would not vote.
My guess is Jesus would neither vote nor be drawn into the debate. He warns Satan “You shall not put the Lord your God to the test” (Matthew 4:7) and constantly tells the Pharisees devastating parables of their faith errors and God’s spiritual truth.
And we smugly predict God’s vote while Satan is taunting us to hit a curve ball.
I doubt many folks truly are ready for Jesus to come to bat.
Walters ( feels better when he reads the Bible than when he watches the news, and also is thankful for the Indians vs. Cubs World Series diversion.
Saturday, October 15, 2016

518 - 'As Real as it Gets'

Spirituality Column No. 518
October 18, 2016
Common Christianity / Uncommon Commentary

‘As Real as it Gets’
By Bob Walters

The multiple, halting, emotional speeches hung so very, very thickly over Baby Willow’s funeral Saturday.

Born at home healthy, vibrant and hungry early October 6, Willow stopped breathing some four hours later.  No warning, no explanation … and no amount of emergency care could bring her back.  Willow’s ashes rested in a polished wooden box as parents, family and friends gathered to say we love you and good-bye.

Praise God, Willow insisted we do much more.  She insisted that we in our heartbreak encounter Jesus in all His power, promise, trust and truth.  Willow allowed no other gaze than for us to fix our eyes on the healing love of Jesus Christ.

In this season of crushing grief, Willow’s parents Michael and Maggie and all four grandparents courageously, tearfully spoke words of healing and encouragement and witnessed profoundly to the unlimited faithfulness and tender mercy of Jesus.  When so many might wonder, errantly, “How could God do such a thing?” as take young Willow, Willow’s family stood faithfully and said, “How could we survive such a thing without Jesus?”

Maggie told the funeral gathering that the day following Willow’s death she experienced a vision of Jesus.  He stepped between her and Michael, comforted them and in a voice Maggie clearly discerned said of Willow, “I have to take her now.”  Numerous other signs, works of Christian love and even rainbows appeared through the week.  When one is in the faith, such signs are unmistakable evidence of God’s nearness, relationship and compassion.  Jesus is there.

Pastor Dave Rodriguez at Grace Church (Westfield, IN) looked at the funeral gathering and noted, gently, that he understood there likely were people there who didn’t “get” the Jesus thing and more likely would be on the page of, “How could God …etc.”  Dave noted that the hurt and the love and the healing and the faith permeating that particular room, not to mention the faith witness of Maggie and Michael’s entire lives, would appear to some unbelievable; certainly not real.

Dave spoke a measured, earnest, caring truth: “This is as real as it gets.”

Willow didn’t let anyone out of the church without facing the reality that is the truth of Jesus Christ.  These are the times, the pastor noted, that God shows up and is not subtle.  Times like these are why we were created in the image of God, or else where is our comfort?  In times like these words may fail us but God doesn’t.

Like Dave, I pray someone curious about Jesus asks Michael and Maggie about this God they know.

They know Him very well.

Walters’ ( son Eric was roommates with Michael in college.  They grew up in faith together at East 91st Street Christian Church, Indianapolis.  By the way, Michael and Maggie have a son Rhett whom they adopted a few months before learning of her pregnancy. 
Monday, October 10, 2016

517 - Fear of Commitment

Spirituality Column No. 517
October 11, 2016
Common Christianity / Uncommon Commentary

Fear of Commitment
By Bob Walters

“Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.” – last words of dying Jesus on the cross, Luke 23:46
All of us know, or at least we should know, that God’s forgiveness and grace are part of a package deal: the divine treasure trove known as the “free gift of salvation.”
This gift is billed, rightly for the most part, as being “ours for the asking.”  We are not commanded to accept the gift nor is the gift forced upon us.  It is clearly laid out in the Bible that faith in Christ which is from the Holy Spirit unwraps this gift of salvation, and that good works are the worldly fruit of it having been accepted and put to use.
It’s a good deal.  Peace, patience and mercy; faith, hope and love; perseverance, kindness and joy … all in the long list of humanity-deepening fruits we can enjoy in this life by accepting the loving embrace of God by trusting Jesus Christ.
And "Yes, Jesus loves me, the Bible tells me so."
There.  Wasn’t that easy?  No worries!
So why cite this Bible verse from humanity’s darkest day, the day Jesus died?
Because it communicates a key truth of a key component of our salvation.  To truly own the gift it’s not enough merely to accept it; I have to do what Jesus did on the cross.  I must commit my spirit into the hands of God; but in this life, not in my death.
This is key because it is the difference between accepting Jesus as Savior and accepting Jesus as Lord.  Jesus as Savior is what He does for me; the happy face of forgiveness and eternal life.
Conversely, Jesus as Lord is what I do for Him.  And you know what?  I can’t do much for Him.  None of us can; because He can do anything.  The hard part of “Lord” isn’t shouldering a load; it is defeating our pride, accepting humility and trusting faith.
It’s a game-changing mistake to miss the “Lord” part, where we put our lives, our love and our industry into His hands.  It’s where we discern God’s calling, attend to God’s purpose, love God, love others and trust God’s Lordship even unto death.  You ask, “What would Jesus do?”  Well, that’s what He did.
To review:
“Salvation is a free gift?”  Absolutely.
“Jesus loves me?” There’s not a truer idea in the Bible.
- “All I have to do is accept it?”  That answer is “Yes, but …”
Here is the "But" - accepting the gift only starts the journey; committing to the gift and living a life of faith actually is the journey.  Savior is the start and Lord is the path.
God’s glory is the goal.
Walters ( notes that while the four Gospels report three different “last words of Jesus” (Matthew 27:46, Mark 15:37, Luke 23:46 and John 19:30), “commitment” is the last word in most strong relationships. 
Monday, October 3, 2016

516 - Forgiving Nature

Spirituality Column No. 516
October 4, 2016
Common Christianity / Uncommon Commentary
Forgiving Nature
By Bob Walters
“For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more.” – Jeremiah 31:34, quoted in Hebrews 8:12 and 10:17
God has it right.  The act of forgiving is far more freeing, beneficial, therapeutic and righteous – to all parties - than holding a grudge.
Forgiveness - not in the sense that “we are forgiven” but that “we forgive others” – would be on anyone’s biblical top ten list of evident, virtuous fruits of a human soul connected to the Holy Spirit, blessed by Jesus and dedicated to God.  Who doesn’t look at a forgiving person and think better of him or her, or even call that person Godly?
Our forgiveness of others brings peace to us and harkens mercy for others.  Forgiveness is the most effectively self-medicating of all Godly-inspired virtues: we can ordain it, control it, offer it, deliver it, live it and rest in it.
Funny thing, though: forgiveness only works if we forget it.  And sins – yours, mine, ours – are hard to forget.  I’ll remember something I’ve forgiven and mentally catalogue that sporadic virtue as a salvational hedge against what I know is my personal litany of past sins, missteps, embarrassments, offenses, annoyances and general wickedness.  Then I notice I haven’t truly forgotten and start over.
Thankfully there are many folks who, far better than I, control their pride, anger, fear and appetites. Thankfully, I happen to be married to one.
But, as much as any one of us may occasionally keep track of Kingdom-sanctifying virtues – “good works” as they say – the problem with cataloguing our forgiveness of others is that it requires remembering the sins we forgave.  Most likely and perilously, remembrance undoes the blessing of forgiveness in the first place.
God’s forgiveness is different from ours because God is perfect and sinless.  God’s character is the ultimate righteousness and glory.  His love is divine.  Good is defined in all His being.  His Kingdom has pearly gates and golden streets.  God sacrificed to the point of death and then defeated death to forgive you and me.
Mankind, on the other hand, lives in fallenness, duplicity, chaos and has intermittently good intentions and recurring devious designs.  When we do forgive we don’t typically have sacred skin in the game; we just let go of anger.  God didn’t “just let it go”; Jesus died to cover our sins and was resurrected to give us hope.
The fact is humans can’t adequately forgive; we aren’t equipped for it. Only God can forgive, and only through our faith in Jesus can we gain the peace and love true forgiveness brings.  God’s forgiveness is eternal and final; ours is temporal and fragile.
Want to truly forgive?  Remember Jesus and forget the offense.
Walters ( notes the surprising number of people who deny Christ and declare some variation of “I can’t forgive God.”  That’s really, really backwards.
Monday, September 26, 2016

515 - Lamp of Understanding

Spirituality Column No. 515
September 27, 2016
Common Christianity / Uncommon Commentary

Lamp of Understanding
By Bob Walters

I spent an immensely, intellectually profitable Saturday recently listening to the Crescent Project’s Fouad Masri discuss Christianity and Islam.

Indianapolis-based Crescent is a global Christian organization targeted at helping Muslims learn about Jesus and helping Christians learn to talk to Muslims about Jesus.  Some quarters of both religions would find this effort heresy, anathema, certainly dangerous, and maybe even just plain pointless.  I found it fascinating.

Fouad is Lebanese and an evangelical pastor passionate about bridging the cultural and theological chasm between these two vastly different expressions of mankind’s place in this world and God’s lordship in Heaven.

Fouad founded the Crescent Project ( in the 1990s.  The organization provides a wealth of tools, information, and mission work bringing the light of Christ to the faith of Muhammad. No single instrument at Crescent is more effective or engaging than Fouad’s own deep knowledge of Middle Eastern culture, Islamic theology, and Qur’anic scripture combined with his love for Jesus, for humanity, his grasp of the Bible, and energy for spreading God’s Word.

As Christians we are challenged to defend our faith, not attack someone else’s.  The Apostle Paul in Athens didn’t attack the gods that were worshipped there; He introduced the Greeks to the "unknown" God of Jesus Christ.  Fouad mentioned that we are always better off simply sharing the truth of Jesus Christ than trying to argue theology.  Other gentle observations about religious differences and similarities included …

- The Qur’an is a very, very different book from the Bible.  Muhammad records declarations from Allah that have been passed through the angel Gabriel.  Hence, the Qur’an has little or none of the tete-a-tete “story” aspects that make the Bible, for me, so fun, satisfying, relatable, peaceful,and believable to read.  It also occurs to me that Allah as a singular God does not afford personal relationship and therefore none of the humanly relational stories or divine love of the Father-Son-Spirit Trinity of Christianity.  Absent those dynamics, that’s probably why I have so much difficulty reading the Qur’an.

-There are Five Pillars of Islam (Recitation, Prayer, Alms, Fasting, and Pilgrimage), but no such construct in Christianity.  That makes it semantically difficult to describe Christianity to a Muslim.  As a parallel answer to “What do Christians believe?”  Fouad suggests these five Christian “pillars”: God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, the Bible and One Family.  You tell me about your five pillars, I’ll tell you about mine, especially my Jesus.

- Fouad noted that many Muslims lack knowledge of the Qur’an the same way many Christians lack knowledge of the Bible.  His advice to Christians is to know Jesus, know the Bible, and build relationships based on Christ’s love, not worldly argument.

A lamp of understanding can be lit.

Walters ( learned that Jesus in the Qur’an (Sura 3:55) is perfect, sinless, alive and expected to return.  Fouad’s line: "Maybe Muslims should read His book." (i.e. The Bible)
Monday, September 19, 2016

514 - Masked Man

Spirituality Column No. 514
September 20, 2016
Common Christianity / Uncommon Commentary
Masked Man
By Bob Walters
“… Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.” 2 Corinthians 11:14
Paul had just an awful time with the Corinthian church.
Every manner of false apostle, Judaizer, heretic, pagan, deceiver, quarreler and fool had a seat in God’s house in Corinth.  Paul’s steadfast message of Jesus Christ and righteous preaching of the Gospel attacked all false doctrine, fanned the flame of truth and shared “surpassingly great revelations” (12:7) even as he bore a personal thorn of unknown torment and courageously endured shipwrecks, beatings and prison.
Paul plainly had his story straight and his ministry blessed straight from the top.  His mission was to build people up, not tear them down (13:10), but he pulled no punches, tolerated no heresy and gave in to no falsehood.
The light Paul preached was the true light.
I don’t know of a modern day church that has a “Paul,” exactly; he was really one of a kind; a ministry archetype of faith, knowledge, anointing and action.  But there are plenty of great preachers today preaching Christ crucified to faithful congregations that are full of sinners, full of problems, full of hope, full of truth and full of repentant but stumbling believers who nonetheless pursue God’s call, love their Lord, their neighbor and help out where they can.  A smile in church is neither a mask nor hypocrisy.
Believers can be sinners in the same awkward, tangent comparison that judgment can include mercy. Knowing you have sinned and going to church doesn’t make you a hypocrite any more than knowing your car is dirty and taking it to the car wash.
Are “churches full of hypocrites?”  Sure, but the question really asks about man, not the church.  Considering fallen humanity’s proclivities and fears, hypocrisy is not our worst trait.  Ignoring God is our worst trait.  Church is a step in the right direction and hypocrisy is OK if it brings one into proximity with Christ.
From there, let the Holy Spirit – Who is not a hypocrite – do its job.
I wince when I hear preaching about the “masks” we wear in church to hide our sin, how we’re hypocrites, etc.  Baloney.  Satan masquerading as a believer is different from a believer bucking up with a smile in an effort to escape a bad week.  Church and the love of Christ are supposed to provide welcome respite from life’s sin, shame and struggles.  We share our burdens.  Jesus is our peace and our rest, after all, and God rested after a week’s work.
So relax – wear a smile and leave the mask at home. The best relationships are built from honest joy, not from behind a mask.
Going to church should make you feel better, not worse.
Walters ( realizes church always has room for more hypocrites; Paul likely would have preferred them to the crowd he had in Corinth.



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