Monday, July 18, 2016

505 - What's So Important?

Spirituality Column No. 505
July 19, 2016
Common Christianity / Uncommon Commentary

What’s So Important?
By Bob Walters

It’s easy for Christians to answer the question, “What’s so important?”
Jesus is important.  God, Christ, the Spirit, the Bible, the church, salvation, faith and love are all important.  Living a humble, servant-hearted, God-honoring and faithful life is important.  The moral absolutes of God are important.  Loving God and loving others are our divine marching orders from Christ.
May I continue?  To paraphrase the ShamWow guy, “I could do this all day.”
Christianity easily brings many important things into focus and informs, moment-by-moment, one’s lifelong moral code.  Because all Godly authority resides in Christ (Matthew 28:18-20), priorities are bare-faced and simple to a Christian.  Jesus is No. 1.
God-directed obeisance diminishes as one gets closer to self-directed priorities.  Honoring God and helping others – obviously in a zillion complicated ways – is the simple Christian answer to “What’s so important?”
It’s that simple because God’s authority is that unimpeachable.
So asking a Christian “What’s so important?” isn’t a stumper.  The stumper is asking that question to anybody else.  Pick a topic or cause, the more controversial the better, and ask its adherents, supporters, champions, leaders, fans or experts simply: “What’s so important?”  You’ll get a million different answers but no real authority.
No response will come close to, “Because God said so.”
I bring this up because I had a nice conversational lunch recently with an erudite pastor friend who is a remarkable educator and preacher of the Word.  Touching on contemporary social and political issues, we wandered from the hot-topic specifics of LGBTQ ascendancy, the overreach of governmental control (think “Obamacare”), the underestimation of foreign enemies (think ISIS), the abysmally failing and diminishing landscape of American racial relations and violence, the looming, glooming, oh-my-goodness-gracious presidential race, popular science mocking faith, and education expelling any teaching of God’s moral certitude.  Identifying the problem purveyors is easy.  The one thing neither of us could really answer is, “What’s so important to them?”
Seeing the other guy’s side of the story is one thing.   But when you look at the social, political, academic and economic forces arrayed against the simple and unwavering truth of Christ – in a nation that very much depends on individual Christian morality for its ability to function as a republic – looking for another thing that stands as authority, that is truly “so important,” remains a mystery.  The “authority” is merely the vaporous, prideful, Satan-inspired human assumption of righteousness in one’s opinion.
Salvation?  Everybody says, “I’m a good person,” except of course Christians who really, truly “get it” that our goodness abides only as far as does our faith in Christ.  “Goodness” isn’t thanks to us, it’s thanks to God.
Understanding that is really important.
Walters ( picked up the check.


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