Monday, August 8, 2016

508 - Rough and Humble

Spirituality Column No. 508
August 9, 2016
Common Christianity / Uncommon Commentary

Rough and Humble
By Bob Walters

Surveying a rugged landscape …
– ISIS Islamic terrorists have recently published the 15th quasi-monthly edition of their English-language recruiting magazine, Dabiq.   ISIS is as doctrinally, lethally “against” the Muslim Brotherhood as it against Christians or Jews and seems to be mad at everybody.  One other thing … when I was a sportswriter I never remember a sports contest where the JV team had its own souvenir program.
– American atheists now have their own logo (devil’s horns around “Unabashed Atheist”), catchphrase (“Not afraid to burn in Hell”), organization (Freedom From Religion Foundation) and even held a rally attended by enthusiastic, god-spurning thousands this summer on Washington D.C.’s national mall.  The FFRF claims reason sides with them.  I claim that God, the author of all wisdom and reason, sides with me.
– The majority of today’s university “religious studies” professors either don’t, won’t or can’t admit to belief in Jesus Christ.  Faithful theologians are largely sequestered in seminaries and church schools.  Those at high-profile universities are routinely held by PC peers to be intellectually suspect and generally kept away from teaching undergrad philosophy classes, lest truth undermine opinion.
– Public K-12 schools everywhere laboriously, fearfully separate “church and state.”  School boards highlight mission-level promotion of excellence, diversity, tolerance, anti-bullying, being drug-free, making good choices – anything so long as it doesn’t promote the existence of divine truth or objective morality. Faith in “me” is celebrated.  Prayer, if one dares, is forgiven as long as no one talks about God.  Capital-G God won’t be tolerated; Jesus won’t be mentioned.
– Old line Protestant churches stand evermore empty in Western culture except for the few that have successfully blended their long-festering doctrinal heresy of God’s unseriousness and optional faith with the modern ascendancy of a rainbow cultural pallet that praises man’s intellectual supersession over God’s “outdated” principles.  After a couple centuries of serious, God redefining theological mischief, the old guard has all but killed off God and credits the absence of Sunday crowds as a victory for progressive theology.
In navigating one’s holy Christian walk there is no shortage of resistance to the simple, permanent, unyielding, John-14:6-truth of Jesus Christ, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”  There is plenty of instructive, awesome, eternal truth in the Bible, but that truth becomes meaningless to those who believe God either is already gone, never was there or is somebody else.
Gauge the world around you by the life, light, love, truth and promise of Jesus.
Sin won’t surprise you, God won’t fail you, and strength won’t leave you.
Walters ( notices the joy and ease of Jesus, and the despair of a suffering world. Love the first by humbly helping the second.


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