Monday, April 10, 2017

543 - Conditioned Reflex

Spirituality Column No. 543
April 11, 2017
Common Christianity / Uncommon Commentary

Conditioned Reflex
By Bob Walters

God’s love is unconditional, Christ’s forgiveness is unconditional, our acceptance into the Kingdom is unconditional, and our need to complicate things is unconditional.

When will we ever learn?
We hear “It’s a free gift,” and then sing about how much it cost.
We hear “Once for all,” and then worry if it’s enough and includes me.
We hear “I am your peace and strength,” and then in anxious weakness, doubt.
We hear “Nothing can separate us,” and then conclude sin separates us.
In our quid pro quo culture of marketing and merchandizing; of “can do” confidence and intellectual self-sufficiency, it is perhaps our toughest, practical, human theological hurdle to take Jesus at His word and God at His love.  His kingdom, glory and eternity are ours in Christ.  Sin separates us from God? Jesus came for sinners, not the righteous.  That’s God’s grace. We once were lost, but now are found.  Done deal.
Through the Bible the Holy Spirit heralds this Good News to each of us: “You are in.”  There is nothing we can do, say or believe that undoes the divine side of that truth.  Jesus has erased our sins and we are righteous before God.  Welcome home.
Certainly, the secular, atheist, modern, post-modern “smarter than God” world thinks the whole idea is nuts.  But that doesn’t change God.  The Bible is pretty clear that only a few folks will actually embrace the truth of Christ even though it applies to everyone.  You cannot point to one person in all of history Jesus did not come to save, but there remains a broad sweeping swath of humanity that without eyes to see or ears to hear, remains lost.  As for Christians, well, we believe, but often want to edit and “conditionalize” the simple, joyous unconditional truth of salvation in Christ.
We recently got into this topic of “unconditional” in our Wednesday night E91 Bible study with Bible stalwart Dr. George Bebawi.  Most of us recoiled and pondered: Aren’t our own personal acceptances of Jesus and responses of repentance, faith, baptism, confession, love and obedience all “conditions” of our salvation?
George smiled and sparred with us, noting that a “condition” is a negative, something that takes away from freedom and love; that we place conditions on God usually due to our own guilt.  We figure God is mad at us when the obvious, entire truth of the New Testament is: Jesus came to heal us.  Accepting that truth is “a condition”?
One classmate noted, “It’s like a free restaurant; all you have to do is go in and eat.”  Free delivery, too.  It occurred to me later that we operate our smart phones and computers, if we can, in the way that works best – not in obedience but in thankful, enthusiastic agreement.  In the E91 pulpit last Sunday longtime friend and preacher Dave Faust talked about loving God, believing Jesus, reading the Bible, going to church, etc., in freedom because we “get to,” we want to; not because we have to.
Amen to that.
Our condition in Christ is freedom.  We should take that thought captive.
Walters ( is in no condition to judge anyone. 


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