Monday, September 18, 2017

566 - 'Life is a Line...'

Spirituality Column No. 566
September 19, 2017
Common Christianity / Uncommon Commentary

‘Life is a Line …’
By Bob Walters

Toward the end of my teen years a light-hearted, not-especially-philosophical high school friend offered this practical and subtly philosophical life’s insight:
“Life is a line,” he said, smiling and expressing that line by thumping his left hand and then his right hand a couple feet apart on a table in front of him. “You are born here (left hand), you die here (right), and here in the middle you gotta sleep and you gotta eat.  Other than that, you make choices and live with whatever comes next.”
OK it’s not Kierkegaard, but the image of that line stayed with me because it speaks to humanity’s – each individual human’s – God-ordained freedom, opportunity, and movement.  In life, are we going forward, backward, or running in place?  There was no mystery, really, at that impregnable stage of life when “forward” was the only imaginable direction; “backwards” or “staying in place” were too horrible to contemplate.
Back then I wasn’t thinking so much about God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, eternity, or hope, but only this finite life’s seemingly infinite road ahead.  It was some years later that I learned a bit more, philosophically, about the western world’s “linear sequential programming,” i.e., “Life actually IS a line,” versus the eastern world’s quite different orientation, “Life is a circle.”  And then you discover that smart people have been thinking about philosophy – life’s meaning and purpose – for a very long time, and learn there is way more to it than lines and circles.
But I bring all this up because it has settled into my being that the one, simple, dependable way forward; the way to navigate life’s “line” for all time, reason, purpose, and meaning, is holy relationship with and faith in Jesus Christ.  Forward is the direction Christ is going; it’s the only way.  Here is how I know and why I want to go that way, too.
Let’s start with the cosmic millstone around my neck – the sin in my life.  Sparing the salient specifics of both “sin the condition” and “sin the action,” what I notice is that I’ve not yet sinned tomorrow.  I probably will – sin, I mean; in fact I doubt I can get through the rest of today cleanly.  But that millstone is both the worst of my past and the anchor binding my present unless I choose to let Jesus – in faith knowing the truth of his promise – break that millstone of sin cleanly from my neck.  Then I won’t have to live with the perpetual weight and fear of it.  The line – the way ahead – is free.
The Good News?  Jesus on the cross already broke that millstone; it’s gone.  The bad news?  We have a free choice whether to believe Jesus or not; to keep that millstone or not.  And that, cosmically, is life’s most important choice because I know this: That millstone – whether your own neck is in it or not – is ultimately heading for the deepest pit God can create. As the old knight said in Indiana Jones 3: “Choose wisely.”
Sure, sins endure … for now.  We see them, live them, suffer with them.  But they were and are covered by the life-restoring blood and resurrection of Jesus – “once for all,” is how the Bible repeatedly puts it.  Our hope is the eternal tomorrow without sin.
How thankful I am that Jesus is my freedom from before and my lifeline ahead.

Walters ( is more a fan of Jesus than of philosophy; philosophy can explain sin but it sure can’t cure it.  Jesus is the only truly happy ending.


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