Monday, December 2, 2019

681 - Don't Judge, But ...

Spirituality Column #681
December 3, 2019
Common Christianity / Uncommon Commentary

Don’t Judge, But …
By Bob Walters

It’s the news I pay the most attention to – Christianity, doctrine, heresies, and witness – and from where I sit religion has had a big past few weeks in the media. Let’s review …

- Newly-announced Christian Kanye West – the acclaimed, formerly profane, and award-winning rap music artist – has been saying everything right since his very public profession of Jesus last summer.  He’s released a Christian music album in his genre but with a solid faith message.  Christian bloggers everywhere (I read a lot of them) are going from “wait and see” mode leaning toward, “This guy appears sincere.”

- All well and good; I pray Kanye is sincere and so far I’m thankful for his witness.  November 24 Kanye spoke at Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Church with its 20,000 or so attendees who gather in the former arena of the Houston Rockets.  Osteen is famous for his book, “Your Best Life Now,” and is a frequent target of doctrinal satirists for his refusal to mention Jesus.  “Jesus is too controversial,” Osteen told 60 Minutes a few years back.  He really said that.  Osteen is all God, Bible, and “this life,” but no Jesus.

- My favorite Christian satire provider is the, a daily compilation of “news” memes that arrive via email (it’s free). You have to be a little bit of a church wonk to appreciate its humor, but the Babylon Bee is always on Osteen’s case big time about not mentioning Jesus.  It’s having fun with Kanye, too … but taking him seriously.

– Then there was the news that Paula White, queen of the American prosperity gospel scene (I can’t capitalize gospel in this context) which promises if you donate enough money to her you’ll earn more earthly blessings from God, was brought on as White House spiritual advisor to Donald Trump.  Ummm … whence VP Mike Pence?

Call your office Mike … we need your help here.  Bring your Bible.

– I was accepted recently (you have to apply) into the “Fans of David Bentley Hart” Facebook discussion forum of esoteric theologians and philosophers who enjoy Hart’s writing.  “DBH” used to teach at Notre Dame but I grew to know his truly brilliant talent through the wonderful journal, First Things.  Wow … can that guy write an essay.

However, all the rage now among the DBH set is the doctrine of “Universalism,” which basically states and believes, in the most flowery, complex, theological, and academic language imaginable, that “All Will Be Saved,” the title of Hart’s recent book.

I enjoy the forum’s and DBH’s word-smithery, but I also read the Bible and can’t find anything that says heaven is an all-skate.  I pray for everyone to be saved, sure.  We all must; every soul saved is glory to God.  Jesus himself said He came to “save all mankind,” (John 3:16), but also says He is the only door (John 14:6).  Many disbelieve. 

God is love, God is infinitely good and merciful, and God is also absolutely righteous.  That’s why I believe there is an inside latch on heaven’s gates.  Philosophers and theologians worry me when they imagine their wisdom and mercy outpaces God’s.

- And, headline heartbreak: the Chick-fil-A Foundation “reprioritizes.”  The restaurants will continue to be awesome and do things right, I’m sure, but it used to be fun marching in for a chicken sandwich and tasting the excitement of being a vicarious rebel for Christ against the foul winds society stirs against Christianity’s very existence.  Truett and Dan Cathy’s one foundation was Christ.  Chick-fil-A’s one Foundation, now, is chicken.

Walters (, as penance for the above shot at Chick-fil-A, bought lunch there Saturday.  It was cram-crowded inside with drive-up cars lined around the building.  Walters then shopped at Hobby Lobby and put $5 in the Salvation Army kettle.


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