Monday, May 11, 2020

704 - God's in Control ... of This?

Spirituality Column #704
May 12, 2020
Common Christianity / Uncommon Commentary

God’s in Control … of This?
By Bob Walters

Countless doctrinal sticking points notwithstanding, if Christians, Jews, and Muslims have one inarguable thing in common it is their assuredness that “God is in control.”

Yes … God – the “capital G” God, yhwh, Allah, the one with “99 Beautiful Names,” the Cosmic Sovereign – is in control.  He created all things, is the giver of life, knows all things, and is the lone and final arbiter of judgment, mercy, and justice.  How humanity’s relationship with God works – personally and corporately – that’s where you’ll find all the doctrinal sticking points.

But let’s not spend time today on the “sticking points.”  While I’m fully prepared, willing, confident, and always excited to share the reasons for the hope and trust I have in Jesus Christ, the topic at hand is God’s sovereign control. I’ll talk about it as a Christian since that is what I know best.  A Jew or a Muslim would explain it differently in terms of what they know best.

As for this sovereign God who is in control; we sure pray to Him a lot.  “Fix this, fix that,” we demand.  “How can a good God allow … THIS!?”  From (currently) viruses and social distancing, to politics and factions, to economic freefall and globalist intrigues, why has this supposedly all-powerful God let this chaos happen and why do I have to worry about it?

Sigh.  Bad, chaotic things happen because the world is a fallen place.  When we refuse that truth or refuse God’s righteousness – because God is the real Capital T Truth – this life likely will seem like a purposeless, out-of-control slog.  Try as we might to construct for ourselves an alternate ultimate purpose or “goodness” emanating out of our own God-refusing humanity, I can only direct us all back to Square One where “God is in control.”

However – and this is my first of two brief but main points – despite God “being in control,” we also have to understand that He gives us personal freedom; we have to control that.  Why?  God is love – Jesus said so – and love can’t be coerced.  God created us in His own image so that we could glorify Him – and ourselves – by freely loving Him and His creation.

Speaking only for my Christian self, I believe my job, opportunity, and purpose in this life – in this fallen world – is to use my freedom to discover and testify to God’s glory.  Freedom – as we should know by now – is not really a government thing; it’s a sovereign God thing.

Second, God controls things we cannot see or imagine.  Remember how the Jews reacted when Jesus – God riding on a donkey – entered Jerusalem on Palm Sunday to initiate His plan to save the whole world through His love for the Jews?  Yeah, the Jews weren’t impressed and had Jesus killed.  God’s glory isn’t always revealed – or accepted – smoothly.

Our mission is to live God’s love and obey Him when He shows up, not to tell Him what we think His job should be.  In this season of dire disease and civil unease, I’ve seen two remarkable examples of God’s sovereign “control” recently that everything to do with devout prayer on the one hand and God’s timing on the other:

1. A long-time friend’s 47-year-old son (father of three) had a severe, surprise, not-gonna’-make-it heart attack.  Facebook lit up in prayer.  Just three weeks on he’s back at home doing fine.

2. My wife Pam’s daughter Lauren, a mother of three, in a minor surgical follow-up last week, had “the biggest kidney stone” her urologist had ever seen – discovered just before the shutdown, preventing major kidney surgery in mid-March – simply fall out of its stented lodging spot into an easily getable location, also something her urologist had never seen.  Lauren was back at work the next day; fixed.  God’s timing?  Had the major surgery and long convalescence happened, Lauren would now be furloughed from her job.  Nobody thought to pray about that.

So yes, God is in control.  Let’s use the freedom He provides to discover His plan, our trust in Him, our love for each other, and to accept His surprises, righteousness, and grace.

Walters ( has no Plan B; Plan A is faith in Jesus.  That’ll work.
PS –You sharp Christian doctrinal types will notice that I consider “freedom” to be something of a divine absolute, not a sub-function of Calvinist predestination.  You have observed my beliefs correctly.  We all know Romans 8:29-30 and Ephesians 1:5,11; we also all know John 3:16.  No need to fight; God is in control.  I believe we all have a shot; we just have to believe in Jesus Christ (John 14:6, Acts 4:12).  I pray for all.


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