Monday, March 15, 2021

748 - Stuff I Don't Worry About

Spirituality Column #748

March 15, 2021

Common Christianity / Uncommon Commentary

Stuff I Don’t Worry About

By Bob Walters

“The seed that fell among the thorns stands for those who hear, but as they go on their way they are choked by life’s worries, riches, and pleasures, and they do not mature.” –  Parable of the Sower, Luke 8:14

Worry is a faith killer.  If you ever worry that your faith is not growing, maybe it’s because you worry too much. 

Jesus’ familiar Parable of the Sower, cited above, addresses worry and how our cares and anxieties about the world reduce and restrict our interest in growing in faith, wisdom, joy, hope, Christ, and Godly understanding.  Alas, Satan runs the world so a sure Christian witness of Jesus’s truth and God’s glory is a sure indicator we are carrying an alien passport.  And yes, it’s tough to perpetually live as the visiting team.

What I’d like to address today though is not “worldly worries”; we all have them.  It’s best to pray about them seeking the Holy Spirit’s comforting peace.  It works.

Instead, let’s address the worries Christians carry about their actual faith: Am I saved?  Am I doing enough?  Will I get rewards?  By trusting Jesus, we can significantly pare down our palette of divine worries.  So, about the following, I don’t worry much:

- Am I saved?  Yes, I am … unless Jesus lied.  And Jesus didn’t lie.

- Proving the Bible: I think the Bible proves itself and defends itself, and that it is borderline folly to try to “prove the Bible” in worldly terms when it is not a worldly book; it is a divine book.  It is a book of God’s truth Satan wants us to doubt. I’m going with God.

- “If it’s true”:  Meaning, the Jesus resurrection thing.  How could all that happen?  In an altered repeat of the previous paragraph: Worry if God’s truth is true? Really?

- Creation: I wasn’t there and didn’t see it, but it is pretty obvious to me it happened and didn’t “just accidentally happen.”  I no longer get stuck in Genesis 1 and 2 because the point is not proof; the point is God is the Creator and Creation is good.

- Judgment: I embrace meeting and joining my Lord. I can’t wait.  You know that line about “do not worry about tomorrow…” in Matthew 6:34?  Live, embrace, and love Jesus today, and quit worrying about tomorrow and judgment.  Focus on love, not fear.

- Heaven: Haven’t been there yet, but my joy is seeing glimpses of it, even in the present world, in and through the truth of Jesus Christ.  I know Heaven is there, it is the ultimate “tomorrow,” and that whatever it is exactly will be well worth the wait.

- Rewards: Whoa … lots of New Testament mention and (in some circles) Christian conversation about heavenly rewards believers receive.  I don’t doubt it a bit, or worry or think about it. That’s because generally I think in small human terms, not God’s divine terms.  Jesus and the Holy Spirit help with God’s terms, but whatever God does, I’m fine as long as it glorifies God.  Rewards?  Whatever.  I won’t be disappointed.

- Losing my faith: I take Jesus at His word that we are forgiven our sins and He opens God’s Kingdom to us.  I am thankful for Jesus, not worried about my faith in Him.

- When the Bible seems to contradict itself: OK, Rule 1: It doesn’t.  Perceiving a contradiction in the Bible means, “I don’t understand.”  It’s an opportunity to think, thank, pray, meditate, and call on the Holy Spirit for instruction, wisdom, and growth.

And when that happens, I don’t worry; I get to spend quality time with God.

Walters ( isn’t perfect but knows God is.  No worries.


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