Monday, February 28, 2022

798 - Invasive Prayer

Spirituality Column #798

March 1, 2022

Common Christianity / Uncommon Commentary

Invasive Prayer

By Bob Walters

If you have heard of or perhaps follow Christian intercessory prayer minister Dutch Sheets, it’s likely you don’t spend much time asking yourself how to define “spirituality.”

And if, like me, you are wondering how in the world to pray a spiritual prayer of intercession – i.e., pray for God’s intervention – against Russia’s war and invasion of Ukraine, Sheets has some advice.  Spirituality is what Sheets does, 24/7/365.

Read this from his daily "Give Him 15" podcast last Friday:

"It is not always easy to know how to pray for situations like the invasion of Ukraine.  God cannot always stop evil from occurring, whether it be rape, murder, hunger, or war.  It is not a power issue - of course God is all-powerful.  It is a matter of allowing humans the privilege of free will.  When the human race became defiled at Adam's fall, evil entered the world.  One day it will end.  For now, it exists.

"Since God works on earth through people, not independently of them, dealing with evil requires human participation and cooperation with God and His laws.  He uses righteous authority, laws, and government to suppress evil.  At times, these restraining authorities must use force.  However, stopping evil regimes that have gained power and control can take time - again, because God uses people.

"All this to say it is not possible to simply pray a good prayer/s and end what is occurring in Ukraine.  Does this mean we don't pray?  Of course not.  We ask God to intervene in whatever ways He can, as quickly as He can.  We pray for comfort to those suffering.  We pray for other countries and leaders to make wise decisions that will mitigate the suffering and stop the evil.  We pray for people to come to Christ - God uses tragedies such as this to reach people.

"We also continue to pray for America's complete turnaround.  What occurs here affects the world. ..."  He ended the piece with this prayer and decree:

"Pray with me: Father, we ask for Your mercy to be manifested for the people in the Ukraine and the Baltic States.  We ask You to cause alliances and actions that will minimize violence and destruction.  We pray that evil doers will be exposed and judged for their wickedness.  We ask You to cause them to be hung on their own gallows.  We pray that those who don't know You will come to know You through difficult times they experience.  Bring revival to Eastern Europe.

"We pray for our government to make wise decisions.  Cause them to think clearly.  May they not fall into the traps and strategies of evil leaders.  Give NATO leaders wise strategies and sound decisions.

"We believe you will somehow use all of this to bring forth the great harvest You're planning.  Amp it up quickly, we pray.  Redeeming God, bring a tidal wave of glory into the earth.  We ask for this in Christ's name. Amen.

"Our decree: We decree that evil will ultimately fail; love will win." LINK 02/25/2022

Sheets has a wide following and offers a heavy-duty daily dose of Christian prophecy, prayer, and Holy Spirit discernment.  I'm no expert, but Sheets and "Give Him 15" pretty obviously comprise a sincere, charismatic ministry.  It is all Gospel, all Bible, revival, deep faith, spiritual immersion, and prayerful decrees ... all the time.

Be warned: Dutch is conservative and prays - a lot - for revival in America.

He may or may not be your cup of tea, but you can meet him at

Walters ( planned a breezy piece on Eusebius and Athanasius this week, but the Ukraine injustice is just too heavy on his heart.  Pray, and be strong.


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