Monday, May 16, 2022

809 - Enduring Crown

Spirituality Column #809

May 17, 2022

Common Christianity / Uncommon Commentary

Enduring Crown

By Bob Walters

“Blessed is the man who endures…” – James 1:12

Most of us think of “endurance” as the practice of “not giving up.”

We say, “When the going gets tough, the tough get going!”  That may be how we “endure” adversities that make life unpleasant, or weather the trials, difficulties, dangers, and misfortune that sap our hope, ruin our energy, or even challenge our will to live.

I looked up “Bible verses on endurance” and read various commentaries on them.  The verses are many, but the common “commentary” on them seems to be “endurance” in the earthly sense of “don’t quit.”  Did the Bible mean, “work harder”?

For example, Galatians 6:9 says we will “reap the harvest” if we don’t give up.

Philippians 4:13 says, “I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.”

2 Corinthians 4:16-18 says, "Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day."

Hebrews 12:1 offers, "let us run with endurance the race marked out for us."

So, Endurance.  And other words we frequently encounter:  Perseverance.  Steadfastness.  Patience.  Long-Suffering.  These traits are the fruits of the spirit birthed in our trials as we overcome worldly and even faith adversity. Hang in there!  Whew!

But is that our true victory in Christ? Simply surviving the predictable awfulness of a fallen world?  Well, it’s certainly a start, but I think there is a more important goal.

I think endurance means, “keep the faith.”  Win, lose, or draw in life, keep the faith in your heart.  Hebrews, you’ll notice, doesn’t say “win the race,” it says, “run with endurance.”  That “race” isn’t about winning on earth; it’s about staying close to Christ. 

Winning a race is nice but enduring in our faith is a must; it keeps us joyful even when persevering in our worldly works or predicaments is not an option.  When we face “trials of many kinds” – as James wrote in his letter – it is the endurance of our faith, not the health of our bodies or earthly successes, that provide our daily victories in Christ.

In our trials and perseverance we may be more worried about what we might lose in the world than what the New Testament promises we gain in eternity.  We need to open our eyes to the love of Jesus, to the eyes of our own hearts and souls that God gave us, and consider the constant victory we can claim. 

And that constant victory is keeping our faith in Jesus Christ. Don’t ask, in a trial, “Will I win the race?” Ask instead, “Am I keeping faith in Jesus?”  If you are, you’re winning all the time, and most likely growing in Christ all the time.  That is the race marked out for us.  That is the endurance that brings blessing.

Enduring faith in Jesus saves us, every day.  It is our faith in which we must persevere.  We triumph in our trials when we go through them and maintain our faith in Jesus.  Our victory, our Crown, is our steadfast and persevering faith in Christ.

And it is a crown we can wear every day with joy and hope.  Others will notice.

Walters ( notes: you win some, you lose some, but you dress for all of them.  Some are rained out; some are forfeited … just stay with Jesus.


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