Monday, November 7, 2022

834 - Laugh with Jesus


Here is Common Christianity column #834 (11-8-22), "Laugh with Jesus." It is hard to laugh at politics, especially with this rancorous mid-term election.  But personal peace in Christ bears sweet fruit.  See the column below.

And a quick note. Fifteen years ago, late on November 10 - it was a Saturday in 2007 - dear friend and minister Russ Blowers went to be with Jesus.  Many of us knew and loved Russ, and remain thankful for the abiding influence he had on our lives in Christ.  Rest in peace ... and glory. - Bob

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Spirituality Column #834

November 8, 2022

Common Christianity / Uncommon Commentary

Laugh with Jesus

By Bob Walters

“But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. - Galatians 5:22-23

Do you think everybody in America is angry enough right now?  If they are paying attention to politics, they probably are.

In that case, they would more likely identify with the preceding bit of Galatians 5:19-21, that recounts several “sins of the flesh” that “will not inherit the Kingdom of God” like “enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions …”

Watched any news lately?  The lamentable and vicious ramp-up to today’s national mid-term election has lit fires of rancor in all theaters of commentary.  Our political discourse has ballooned past disagreement into declarations of dishonor and accusations of evil on all sides.  No hearts are swayed; no minds are changed.

Civil discourse? I’ve not seen or read much recently that promotes political “peace, patience, kindness,” etc.  Instead, we witness full-throated expressions of malicious, absurd, and intricate cross-purposes – the end of democracy! – impossibly detached not only from “love thy neighbor” but the secure moorings of common sense.

Rhetorical artillery rains destructively in all directions.  I harbor no hope that, like Jesus awaking (Mark 4:39) or arriving (Mark 6:51) in the storm, our tumultuous modern waters of cultural and political dissension will calm anytime soon.

But speaking of Jesus … when you think of Him, do you smile?  Do you think Paul’s list of “fruits of the spirit” in Galatians 5:22-23 is a valid prescription for Christ’s incredible lightness of being that defeats the dark and heavy forces of human division?

Jesus can provide a purposeful, sane, joyous – and calmer – life if we let Him.

My mentor George Bebawi was raised a middle Eastern Jew among Muslim neighbors in Cairo.  In his late teens George declared faith in Christ and went on to earn a PhD in Divinity at Cambridge, was a Coptic priest, and eventually retired from the Divinity faculty at Cambridge.  George understood the Jewish humor of Jesus – think of how He teased His disciples – and recoiled from the often-sour Western view of Christ’s countenance.  I imagine Jesus as someone fun to know, not someone to hide from

Jesus too-largely is viewed as a draconian purveyor of “Do the Right Thing or Else.”  Yes, his righteousness is unshakeable but His love is unfathomable.  Christians prefer to “fear the Lord” in an unhealthy perspective of avoiding punishment rather than in adoration for His infinite understanding of and grace toward the human condition. 

God didn’t create humanity to make us prisoners, but He definitely sent Jesus to set us free. Humanity largely gets that backwards, encasing our lives in misery.

A secular fellow on a secular-but-sarcastic news discussion show Friday night commented of the election acrimony, “[the other side] is saying if you vote the wrong way, Satan will reign on the earth.”  Hey kids, guess what?  He already does!

And that’s a good lesson to take to heart.  Yes, I will fight for my nation and knowingly pray for the strength and endurance of the body of Christ on earth.  But I also know that it is our anger that gives Satan his most scurrilous control over the misery of humanity.  Our peace, joy, and love prosper best in the light and laughter of Christ.

Perhaps it is time we laughed at evil and ignorance. Jesus just might join us.

Walters ( prays for Christ and votes for common sense.


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