859 - Satan's Kiss
Friends, When the world’s enthusiasm for lies exceeds it’s reliance on truth, well, just take a look around. See the column below. Blessings, Bob
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Spirituality Column #859
May 2, 2023
Christianity / Uncommon Commentary
Bob Walters
“A liar hates the person they lie to” – my paraphrase, Proverbs 26:28
“You belong to your father, the devil … he was a murderer from the beginning …
there is no truth in him … he is a liar and the father of lies.” Jesus to the
Pharisees, John 8:24
“Then Satan entered Judas, called Iscariot” – after Judas receives bread from
Jesus at the Last Supper, Luke 22:3, John 13:27, Judas leaves to betray Jesus
“Going at once to Jesus, Judas said, ‘Greeting’s Rabbi!’ and kissed him.” – The
traitor identifying Jesus for soldiers to arrest at Gethsemane. – Matthew 26:49
faith mentor George Bebawi, a Hungarian Jew by birth whose family at the outset
of World War II escaped to Cairo, Egypt, found Christ in his late teens, became
a Coptic priest, earned a PhD in divinity at Cambridge University, England,
knew the Bible in several languages, and possessed fascinating insights into
Jesus-era Jewish culture.
has long been a Middle Eastern custom for men to kiss each other upon
greeting,” George would explain. “The kiss says, ‘My lips will not lie to you.’”
Bible has nothing good to say about liars, especially the liars who sabotage
humanity, sabotage God, sabotage trust, and sabotage peace and peace of
mind. If I can put a compassionate spin
on an important comment to someone I love, I’ll do it. We all will.
We have to discern when a brutal truth will correct and focus, and when
a gentle word will encourage and strengthen.
Our lips always should express Jesus’s life-giving, humble, Last Supper
commandment to love God and others. And when required … to roar like a lion.
is the original and lasting hater and liar, whose “truth” brings death to
humans. Satan’s goal is to dishonor God,
and since he cannot hurt God, Satan lies to us, promotes lies between us, and
watches us hate each other as we ignore, blame, or disparage God. Does Satan “love” anything? I think he loves our unloving confusion.
is on my mind because, as you may have noticed, our current Western culture is
besieged by and living in a season of robust lies, not just of the political or
religious kind, but lies about humanity itself.
should not need to cite the Bible or invoke God to express, for example, the
plainly human, sane truth that “men” and “women” are an inviolable biological
dichotomy. God and the Bible say as
much, but common sense and even religiously-detached, honest science says the
same thing. Science doesn’t replace God;
science reveals God.
so much of “science” has been subsumed by politics and political deceit, or by
spurious “social science” that shouts “My truth!” but ignores reality. Science postures as ideology, not
investigation. Journalism is clicks and
narrative, not accuracy and objectivity.
Academia seeks indoctrination, not education. Government counters truth
and freedom.
the founding of America with Critical Race Theory, sure, but it is betrayal
with a kiss. Abortion is a health care
choice! But it is a kiss of death. Mutilate our children and tragically,
permanently confuse their sexual identity with a kiss of wokeness. D-E-I is the kiss of disingenuousness. Be an “Ally” for all self-centric toxicity and
kiss with cancellation.
is truth. We know God, we know truth, truth endures. God’s truth guides life,
not death. Truth is not “mine” or “yours;”
truth is truth all the time. Yet, mass media constantly, enthusiastically, and
threateningly pushes Judas “experts” on us … with a kiss of deception.
kiss without love is a lie. A kiss
without God is a betrayal. A kiss without humanity pleases Satan. If we are to be heirs of God’s Kingdom – the purpose
and promise of Christ – we must reject the kiss of worldly Jezebels and embrace
with firm voice and courage the life-sustaining truth that recognizes and
rejects Satan’s kiss.
Jesus’s truth be on our lips, His love in our hearts, and His courage in our
wonders … what if politicians spoke God’s truth?
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