Monday, August 5, 2024

925 - Weird Times

Friends: I never worry about God but I sure do worry about various and dismaying aspects of current culture, politics, and the church. Here’s some relevant reading.  See the column below.  Blessings, Bob

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Spirituality Column #925

August 6, 2025  

Common Christianity / Uncommon Commentary

Weird Times    By Bob Walters

“…fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” – Isaiah 41:10 ESV

Are we having fun yet?

Sorry (not sorry) to be flippant, but “dismayed” is what comes to my mind observing recent events and developments both silly and serious on religious and cultural fronts.

How about the opening ceremonies of the Olympics? As quick as there was Christian outcry of blasphemy and heresy, there was leftist pushback about artistic rights of interpretation. The media largely applauded desecration of Christ and accused the offended of not understanding pagan characters and gender-fluid representation of historic French legends, literary figures, and pagan gods. Mon Dieu! How can we be so provincial?  

OK … it’s France.  But why was the little boy amid the drag queens?

While the Olympics grab little of my attention – not to be crass but they really just don’t – I’m glad for the Simone Biles led U.S. gymnastics team and swimmer Katie Ledecky’s multiple golds, abhorred by Brittney Griner’s kneeling rather than respecting the American flag, and at first confused about the women’s boxing controversy because media was overwhelmed by gender agendas.

Turns out … the “man” in question was born with all “girl parts” and was raised as a daughter, is still a daughter, but at puberty was discovered to have “Differences in Sex Development” (DSD), which means an XY (male) chromosome and more testosterone than estrogen. Her pro boxing record against XX chromosome women was only 9-5. I’m far less dismayed now with “Olympic Boxing” but retain vigorous cynicism of most media and online “news” sources for their lack of inclination to report a story accurately and in context.

And here at home, we have the “woke” political party calling the normal political party “weird.” It’s going to be a long (and weird) three months (exactly) to the Nov. 6 election.

But that’s the Olympics and politics. My recent purely religious reading includes books and articles that shine a bright and welcome – though dismaying – light on modern Christian practices, academics, preachers, and churches both Catholic and Evangelical.

In June I reviewed The Deconstruction of Christianity (LINK Something Else, Again) about organized efforts by former Christians to help believers “un-do” their faith in Jesus.  In July I wrote about universal salvation LINK What Will You Love? and atheists who crave Christian culture but reject God (LINK What Atheism Means).

For the philosophically literate, a Catholic friend recommended The Religion of the Day about not just cultural “wokeness” vis-à-vis religious beliefs. The book plumbs the depths of Gnosticism and its relevance to Marxism’s surprising but logical link to today’s Woke ideology. Gnosticism has been a Christian heresy since the beginning of the church, and is alive and well today in our crumbling political and social structures. Brilliant stuff.

Next up on my reading list is Megan Basham’s Shepherds for Sale: How Evangelical Leaders Traded the Truth for a Leftist Agenda (good articles HERE and HERE). The book matter-of-factly reveals notable evangelical preachers, churches, and institutions – Andy Stanley, Rick Warren, United Methodist Churches, and the Southern Baptist Convention to name just a few in a very long list – who have received millions of dollars from various and muscular LGBTQ advocacy groups. It’s a real thing, not hype; language is a lethal weapon.

So … dismaying?  It is a very old story that humanity in general and the church in particular need to get their acts together. God is still with us and He will strengthen, help, and uphold us.  Jesus saves, but sorry if I’ve been focusing on religion’s rough underbelly.

As much as all this “news” makes me want to shake my head in dismay … I have no doubt all these ills are about the world, not God’s eternal righteousness, goodness, or truth.

Walters (, a former journalist, has lost faith in journalism not God.




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