Sunday, January 19, 2025

949 - Are We Waking Up?

Friends: In a busy week and even busier New Year, is America heading toward Christian revival with a Third Great Awakening? Is college football a bellwether? 

Have a great week, and may God bless the USA.   Bob

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Spirituality Column #949

January 21, 2025

Common Christianity / Uncommon Commentary

Are We Waking Up?

By Bob Walters

“Whoever acknowledges me before others, I also will acknowledge before my father in heaven.” Jesus instructing the Disciples, Matthew 10:32

Monday this week is about as busy a single celebratory day in our nation as I can remember: Martin Luther King Day, the presidential inauguration of Donald Trump Round Two, and college football’s championship game, Ohio State vs. Notre Dame.

There is no doubt in my mind that all three comprise – in various corners for various loyalties and opinions – both good news and bad news, celebration and derision, heartfelt joy and seething opposition.

That we are a divided nation is truly nothing new; that the modern legacy media and internet hot takes foment the division should be obvious to all. President Trump is the hottest of hot buttons of current importance. King’s holiday should be about equality and character – that was his dream – but the anti-racism cohort sees only color.  That those who do not love Notre Dame or Ohio State are generally rooting against them is a common reactive dynamic of sustained and envied success.

But I don’t especially want to write about culture, politics, or sports. Everyone can make what they will of MLK, Trump, and the CFP (College Football Playoffs.) Yet, let’s talk about Jesus Christ, because college football is talking about Jesus Christ.

If you haven’t seen it, here is a link to Riley Gaines Barker’s recent public Instagram post, LINK “Something's happening in our county”. She catalogues nine specific nationally televised instanced during post-season bowl coverage of coaches and athletes not just “thanking God” but overtly praying and sharing the Gospel.

It’s one thing when athletes point to heaven or thank God or Jesus for their success.  Innocent enough, I suppose, and there’s no need to judge their hearts or sincerity. But I’ve always wondered: what does that say about their understanding of God’s righteousness? Right relationship with God isn’t about winning football games; He roots for everybody, I think. I’m sure you have your own opinions about that.

Anyway, my great friend and mentor, minister Russ Blowers, used to say, “God loves to see His kids play.” I like that.  People indeed pay attention to sports, and a sincere, clear, and rich gospel statement of thanks not for a win but for one’s life and Christ’s sacrifice is a compelling and far-reaching witness. The Father in heaven smiles.

It wasn’t just Christian Liberty University’s coach sporting a “Jesus Won” t-shirt on the sidelines at the Bahama Bowl.  The link above includes coaches and players from Boise State, Texas, Notre Dame, Arizona State, and Ohio State inserting into their post-game interviews and actions unmissable representation and witness of Jesus.

America’s First and Second Great Awakenings in the 1700s and 1800s lit the fires of Bible truth throughout the nascent Colonies and United States. The 1900s saw the Azuza Street Revival, Billy Sunday, Billy Graham, the Jesus Movement and the growth of huge churches but it was never overall dubbed another “Great Awakening.”

I wonder and pray if right now – when Bible sales are at an all-time high despite polling that suggests overall religious interest is down – may be a ripe time for revival.

College football is certainly awake to the love of Jesus. May our slumber cease.

Walters ( admires Riley Gaines Barker’s tenacity and faith.


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