Monday, March 6, 2017

538 - Hey, Wait a Minute ...

Spirituality Column No. 538
March 7, 2017
Common Christianity / Uncommon Commentary

Hey, Wait a Minute …
By Bob Walters

The Ten Commandments, Old Testament precepts, obedience, mankind’s sin nature and wondering about heaven are all great grist for any Christian’s mental mill.
But not one of them can save us; only Jesus can do that.
Christians study, pray, listen, read, watch, act, serve, praise, worship and love … and then argue about whether this or that biblical concept, doctrinal theory or religious practice opens the true and unique and unshakeable door to understanding life’s biggest question: “What am I supposed to do right now?”
And life’s second biggest question, “What happens next?” (after we die).
Just recently I’ve witnessed each of the above mentioned Christian mental bits generate quarrelsome heat between believers, and I mean real sincere believers whose lives are devoutly ordered by their trust in Jesus, love of God and love of others.
Each time, I’ve thought just afterward, “Hey, wait a minute.  The point is never ‘What I think’; the point is always, ‘Jesus Christ is Truth.’”  And I put that capital “T” there on purpose.  Jesus is Truth.  Jesus is my savior.  Jesus is Lord.  Love God and love others.  Worry about that and it’s amazing how quickly we enter the realm of the “peace that passes all understanding” (Philippians 4:7) rather than the arena of perpetual dissension over things that don’t truly matter.
OK, maybe they matter some; but they aren’t Jesus. Focus on Him.
In this age of global networked mass communication it is easier than ever to grab a rhetorical club and beat one’s opinionated way into conflict over politics, social priorities, academics, entertainment, sports, science or of course, religion.  Mankind has become expert on many useless things, and forgotten critical things … like God.
The culture-wide mistake is plugging religion into the realm of personal opinion rather than accepting Jesus Christ as the Truth, the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth for He is God.  Christians make the same divisive mistake in church, finding opinions to fight about that contradict the inspired biblical direction of Jesus.
Obey the Ten Commandments? Sure, it’s a start. But Jesus said love God, love others and follow me, not “Make a list.”  Old Testament precepts tell us who God is and what He does, and who we are and what we do.   But the New Covenant in Christ tells us, definitively, in grace, where we are going and how to get there: by Jesus, not works.
Sin nature?  It is all around us and in us, but frankly I care less about whether we are born with it or grow into it than that Jesus, for sure, is my only shelter through it.
‘Gotta go see The Shack movie to learn “the real story” of God and heaven?  No, see it as a sweet but theologically lopsided springboard into productive discussion of biblical realities of a fallen world, a loving and righteous God and the Holy Trinity.
And remember, in a world of confusion, Jesus is sufficient as Lord and Savior.
Don’t fight about that.
Walters ( may not be right, but knows Jesus is.


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