Monday, March 20, 2017

540 - Swinging for the Fences

Spirituality Column No. 540
March 21, 2017
Common Christianity / Uncommon Commentary

Swinging for the Fences
By Bob Walters

Public opinion polls these days fairly pulsate with bad news for the Christian faith.
Endless journalists and authors predict looming cultural destruction.  Political and media savants pontificate daily that civilization’s sky is falling because of the godless “other side” (liberal vs. conservative, etc.).  Theological sages insist the church must expand; the church must contract; the church must withdraw; the church is irrelevant.
Woe is us!  God is losing!  “Nones” are ascendant!  America’s moral compass is lost.  Millennials don’t do church.  Boomers spoiled their children.  Academia has gone secular.  “Love God and others” is now “If it feels good do it (with whomever you want).”
Hysteria reigns, possibly because personal “opinion” is now culturally sovereign having conversationally replaced divine “truth” almost everywhere. That doesn’t truly mean God is behind, Jesus is losing or the Holy Spirit is taking a few days off.  It means we are living in a time when culture’s most aggressive, pervasive and powerful communicators do not intimately know God, Christ, the Bible, Church or religion.  They’ve heard of it but don’t know it.  They certainly don’t trust it; it’s just an opinion.
Thus has arisen today’s quasi-god culture that freely invokes divine-sounding expressions – “You are a blessing to me,” “May god bless you,” “I pray to god,” “God help us,” “Jesus Christ!” (the expletive) and many others – without a second thought as to their true divine meaning, the divine realness of who and what they are talking about, and the eternal efficacy of figuring out divine truth in the context of their words.
Truly knowing God, you see, is a good thing.
Instead people emptily, mindlessly, chat up “faith” or “belief” without offering the bedrock context of something really big out there worth faithfully believing in: a true, righteous, relational and loving all-powerful God.  Secular folks intone small godly bon mots with sincerity of their own earnest but shallow purpose, or to encourage others as an expression of compassion.  They offer nice words that have no cosmic juice.
And it is shake-that-person-by-the-shoulders maddening to see how little they understand about and expect from God.  God is relationship, Jesus Christ is explanation and the Holy Spirit is wisdom.  This God is the biggest thing going.  Faith and belief are only a small start, maybe a sacrifice bunt, toward learning what God means in our life now and forever.  It is trust and relationship that awaken the true “swinging for the fences” powerhouse of intimately knowing God with our heart, mind, soul and strength.
There is no opinion poll that can track that.  Paying lip service to some god as we express a sincere personal intention about some worldly concern is a stillborn exercise of vanity; a baseless hope.  A seeking human heart’s love and thirst for Jesus, on the other hand, is the thundering long-ball of infinite, eternal trust and relationship.
That is the faith and belief – God’s Grand Slam – that will get you home.
Walters ( notes baseball starts soon.  Polls suggest the Cubs are 4-1 favorites to repeat as World Series champions.  Anybody got an Amen?


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