Monday, January 1, 2018

581 - Backward and Forward

Spirituality Column #581
January 2, 2018
Common Christianity / Uncommon Commentary

Backward and Forward
By Bob Walters

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” – Hebrews 13:8

Unlike Jesus, history is a remarkably unstable thing … its facts and truth so often becoming manipulated slaves of current cultural fashion.

Whether it is the sin of presentism – judging the customs and constructs of the past by the political correctness of today  or the mischief of disingenuous embellishment – altering yesterday’s known facts to press a trendy agenda coyly presented as a “settled narrative” instead of a case for civil discussion  both smack of dishonesty.

Truly, the political, social, economic, scientific, educational, entertainment, religious, or any other sphere of human endeavor exists today in a light different than ever before.  Communication technology has made it as fast and easy to promulgate bad ideas as it is to share good ideas.  The difference in the dissemination dynamic – of the bad or good, I mean – historically remains about the same.  Unhappy people tend to play at a louder volume in the aggressive key of outrage, while happier folks tend to avoid rocking the boat.  Truth is less important than timbre; facts subordinate to agenda.

I’ve never read of a rebellion started by passivity, and know of only one that ever started with pure humility. We’ll get to that in a minute but first, “history” is often “wrong.”

My wife and I have been smitten by the current Netflix series “The Crown” about the reign of Queen Elizabeth and 20th century Britain.  Meticulous in its setting details, well written, and beautifully shot, its “poetic license” miscasts several historical character relationships.  The recent movie “The Post” recounts the liberal Washington Post newspaper’s coverage of real 1960s government lies, the Pentagon Papers, and the Vietnam War, but a reflexive, decades-old real-life leftist media/entertainment bias requires attacking Richard Nixon … for events that occurred before his presidency.

For those now fashionably disaffected by the actual history of the United States – a disaffection plainly infecting so many modern academicians – socialist Howard Zinn’s broadly-distributed U.S. history book is a weapon of mass mis-instruction so fashionable for the globalist, anti-patriot, open-immigration, “America is Unexceptional” left.

Another glaring media weak spot is polling, posing insecure and often spurious narratives of “truth” fashioned from fallen human opinion.  People demand truth!  But I think not really.  What I realize, truthfully, is that neither my “right”-trending opinions nor another’s “left”-trending opinions alter one iota of the only real truth that’s ever existed.

And that secure, humble, final truth – causing that humble rebellion mentioned above that began two thousand years ago – is the truth of Jesus Christ because it is the righteous, final truth of God. Not “my” truth, “your” truth, historical interpretation, poetic license, political spin, or polling data.  Jesus is the singular truth of God, forever.

I’m OK knowing I’ve gotten so many things wrong in the past – everybody has – and I pray for discernment sorting today’s mistaken narratives.  Truth in Jesus is already with us, stays with us, and guides us if faith in Jesus lights our path to the future. 

Walters ( appreciates truth that leads us forward without tying us to or confusing us about yesterday.  Happy 2018!  May it be a year of strong, joyful, true, and forever faith.


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