Monday, April 13, 2020

700 - When Empty is Good

Spirituality Column #700
April 14, 2020
Common Christianity / Uncommon Commentary

When Empty is Good
By Bob Walters

“ … and in Christ you have been brought to fullness.” – Colossians 2:10

What an irony that an empty grave was humanity’s first sign of salvation when what salvation means is humanity’s fullness in Christ.

In the Jesus-generated hubbub of Holy Week – the triumphant entry, trashing the temple, his teaching, the last supper, new commandments, Jesus’s arrest, trials, horrible death on the cross, entombment, arisen and bodily seen on the third day, humanity’s forgiveness and salvation at last! – easily overlooked is the sure reality that Jesus was the human, divine, tactile proof of God’s existence and truth.

The disciples were frightened, disillusioned, and dispersed during the crucifixion.  The empty grave confounded everybody.  The believers were then stunned Jesus was no longer dead; many saw Him, talked to him, touched him, ate with him.  He was real. 

And as for what it all meant, initially, to the believers, it meant joy mixed with confusion.  Over the years we have come to talk about Easter and perhaps over-focus our faith on the gracious forgiveness of our sins by the cross and, by the empty grave, the gift of eternal life with God through faith in Christ.  Sins forgiven; death defeated.

But we mustn’t stop there.  It took even the disciples a while to figure it all out.

Everything the disciples needed to know about Jesus’s resurrection, who He was – God in the flesh – and what their task would be going forward, Jesus had already told them the past three years and especially in that eventful final week.  Little of His infinite significance – what “Son of God” actually meant – truly sank in, at least not right away.

Even we today are often distracted by the Good Friday misery of death and the joyous Easter-morning relief of life revived.  “He is Risen!”  For the most part we have figured out, believe, and cherish the gifts of divine grace, the big “whew!” of our sins covered and behavioral debts canceled, and the secure knowledge that heaven, eternal life, and our adoption into God’s family and Kingdom are the sure goals of our hope.

That’s all great, but really it is only fullness for us. What about fullness for God?

That fullness is the life we are to give to others going forward.  That is the glory of God Jesus brought to mankind.  Jesus had fully briefed the disciples how His presence, life, death, and resurrection would define their mission ahead.  And for a couple of obvious reasons, it was not the disciples’ mission to accompany Jesus into death.  They were dispersed after Jesus’s arrest because 1) they had to be around later to tell about Jesus, and 2) death was something Jesus had to go through … rejected and alone. 

Jesus finished His mission on the cross; their mission was then to tell the world.

Think of the whiplash juxtaposition: on Friday the disciples thought they had seen their hope turn into a cruel lie and their mission into an empty hoax.  On Sunday, hope became proof of God’s surest truth, and their mission would come to change the world.

Much, much more happened, of course. It took many years and many people to put those amazing events into the fulfilling context of truth and salvation for all mankind. 

But that empty grave?

It will remain empty forever, and thankfully, it is one we will never occupy.

Walters (, who won’t be surprised if his own grave is a tad itchy, notes that the stone was rolled away not to let Jesus out, but to let us see in.


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