Monday, April 27, 2020

702 - Letting Truth Out of the Bag

Spirituality Column #702
April 28, 2020
Common Christianity / Uncommon Commentary

Letting Truth Out of the Bag
By Bob Walters

“When the Counselor comes, who I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of Truth who goes out from the Father, he will testify about me.” – Jesus, in John 15:26

A little more than a year ago I inherited the teaching duties in our church’s Thursday morning seniors “Mustard Seed” Bible study fellowship.  At age 65 I am the “kid” in the group, and I can barely describe how enriching it is to share scripture with this weekly group of seasoned, Bible-savvy saints.

Currently we have not met since Thursday, March 12, which was pretty much the last open day in Indiana before everything, including our East 91st Street Christian Church, area schools, and public meetings started shutting down Friday, March 13.

Mustard Seed – no argument there – is the kind of group that especially needs not to meet when a pandemic like COVID-19 is an evident danger to older folks.

But what I wanted to talk about this week is not the dire, dour, and depressing isolation of our nation’s and indeed the world’s present situation.  Nor can I think of anything new to say about our individual and largely home-bound circumstances.  To all those folks still out there working every day in hospitals, grocery stores, gas stations, and other life-saving and society-sustaining endeavors, I say “Thank You!”

What I do want to discuss is the plain-as-the-nose-on-my-face fact that perhaps the greatest joy-robbing, hope-jangling feature of this unprecedented time is the utter absence of what I would call reliable truth about virtually anything having to do with the reporting, media narrative, and politics surrounding the pandemic.  Who can we trust? 

From China to Washington state to New York City to Washington D.C. to Italy to my home here in Fishers, Indiana, I wonder who is pushing which social, political, or economic agenda.  What is the real danger: the disease or our reaction to it?  Since “tomorrow is guaranteed to no one,” let’s not panic about the presently more intense vagaries of “tomorrow.”  What we all need are facts and truth, not fear and spin.

I started by talking about “Mustard Seed” because our past several months have been a study of “The Words of Jesus.”  Especially illuminating to me personally, in the Last Supper and Gethsemane sections of John 14-17, is Jesus talking through these four entire chapters about God’s unwavering righteousness, eternal truth, boundless love, infinite glory, their relationship … and his disciples’ responsibilities going forward. 

This truth – His truth – marches on.  In His last hours it is virtually all Jesus talks about.

When we can’t see truth – in anything, whether particular or whole – our human misery most likely is in our inability to see God, relate with Jesus, and listen to the Holy Spirit.  The world, for unrighteous reasons in times like these, prefers our focus to be on fear and anxiety. These are man’s evil shackles that choke our free breath in Christ.

I listen carefully for God’s truth.  I know that’s what Jesus brought into the world – freedom not just from our own sin and the wiles of wicked men and women, but toward faith, hope, love, peace, creativity, and joy that our trust in God’s eternal truth assures.

What a better world we make, and what joy we reap, when we believe in and testify to God’s truth.  The fallen world controls us in fear, but Jesus by his life, death, resurrection, and sending of the Spirit let God’s righteous, saving truth out of the bag.  

Sometimes we have to fight for that truth, but our joy always is in knowing it.

Walters ( watches little mainstream news but stays informed and prays big sincere prayers … regularly.


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