Monday, December 5, 2022

838 - A Bigger Bang


It’s funny how often those posing cosmic-sized questions ignore God’s answer key: the Bible.  See the column below.

And a special gift … our K-group (church small group) went surprise caroling at John Samples’ house late Saturday afternoon, Dec. 3.  See the great video John W. produced, here: A Needed Christmas Gift - YouTube, or on my public Facebook page (on Fb search Bob Walters, news feed posts), just below this column post.  It’s also on John W’s Facebook page: lots of Fb likes and comments!

Blessings, Bob

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Labels: atheist, Big Bang, Bill Mahar, Club Random podcast, creation, Genesis 1:1, John 1:1-2, science, Star Trek, truth, William Shatner

Spirituality Column #838

December 6, 2022

Common Christianity / Uncommon Commentary

A Bigger Bang

By Bob Walters

“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” – Genesis 1:1 KJV

“In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God…the Word was God. All things were made by him, and without him, nothing was made that was made.” John 1:1-3 KJV

“Why is there anything? Why is there a universe at all?” – Political talk host / atheist / comedian Bill Maher discussing the “Big Bang” with Star Trek actor William Shatner.    

It’s so simple, really.

Rather than pointless, endless, and raging speculation, debates, scientific theory, intellectual prognostication, philosophical constructs, talk show ponderings, and prideful humanist assumptions …  truth is, the world and life exist because God wanted them to.

And made them so.

How did God do it?  Well, the Bible is far bigger on “why” than “how,” but the uncomplicated answers are right there in the Bible … if we’ll believe and pursue them.

Why a universe? Because Creation and life were God’s will and, as we further learn throughout scripture, the expression of God’s love.

“How?”  Simply put: With His Word, the Logos, the one we know as Jesus Christ.

“His will and His love” generally work for a shorthand philosophical answer to “Why?”  If, that is, one believes in God the Creator, and the existence of His divine purpose which He imprinted on man.  Those are huge “ifs,” but simple and true,

The “Big Bang” Creation chattering communities find as utterly unsatisfying – in their own limited way, even heretical – to answer a Creation query of “How?” with a crazy referral to the simplicity of God’s truth: His Word did it.  Really, it’s a bigger bang.

God, you see, is the answer to the universe. Christ, we discover, is how He did it.

Observation suggests science craves to be the thing to figure it all out: to take credit for its own brilliance while pridefully obviating God.  God’s truth, to science’s chagrin, diminishes the popular, outside-of-faith assumption of science’s omnipotence. Science pridefully seeks to hand to humanity the answers of the universe, sans God. 

Thanks, huzzahs, and hosannas to follow!  Yet, what’s missing?  Purpose.  Science cannot replace God’s purpose … or love; it can only reveal God’s workings.

This brings us to Bill Maher, William Shatner, and a stunning array of like-minded secular but cosmic “truth” seekers who fervently demand answers to “Why is there a universe?” but want the truth to be anything other than what it actually is, i.e., God.

In Maher’s “Club Random” podcast conversation with Shatner earlier this year (Link - YouTube), Shatner excitedly brought up the Big Bang theory and science while Maher – highly political and dependably, virulently anti-religious – expressed his lack of scientific knowledge except to say, “If you really want to make your brain hurt, you would ask the question, ‘Why is there anything? …  Why a universe at all?’”  And later that “… at least science can be disproved, which is why it is better than religion.”

In a small nutshell, that is the sideways philosophy and “truth” of secular science: it is the favored, unthreatening “truth” because it can be disproved. Huh?  Shatner then mused, ‘Is the Big Bang even science because it can’t be repeated?”  I rolled my eyes.       

Talk about making your brain hurt.  God’s the easiest answer because He’s true.

Walters ( prays for smart people who chase the wrong truth.


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