Monday, January 23, 2017

532 - Let it Rain

Spirituality Column No. 532
January 24, 2017
Common Christianity / Uncommon Commentary

Let it Rain
By Bob Walters

“In the Bible, it says rain is a sign of God’s blessing.” – Franklin Graham’s well-timed adlib at the slightly damp 2017 U.S. presidential inauguration of Donald Trump.
There is a Saul of Tarsus quality to Donald Trump’s surprising ascendency to the U.S. presidency.  It is a true monument to cosmic unlikelihood.
Saul, of course, might be the New Testament’s leading bad guy if not for Pontius Pilate, King Herod, Judas Iscariot and Satan.  Saul was a Jew, a high-ranking Pharisee, a Roman citizen, educated in Greek and a most vigorous persecutor of Christians in the early years following the crucifixion of Jesus and the beginnings of the Church.  We meet Saul in Acts 8:1 supervising the stoning of St. Steven, the first Christian martyr.
Then in Acts 9:1 as Saul is still “breathing out murderous threats against the Lord’s disciples,” Jesus shows up, knocks him down, blinds him, challenges him and all Saul can say is, “Who are you, Lord?”  Next thing you know, Saul is preaching Christ, traveling widely and is himself severely persecuted by the Jews.  By Acts 13:9 he is known by the familiar name St. Paul the Apostle, writer of nearly half the New Testament and bedrock of the early church.
How did that guy become that leader? How did he get from there to here?
Are we not wondering the same thing about President Donald J. Trump?  From his bully pulpit the tough talking, free-tweeting, thrice-married New York real estate and global construction billionaire, TV celebrity, and cultural icon of extraordinary proportion – “You’re Fired!” – somehow jiu-jitsued the entire American political system to capture a barely-believable but unmistakably controlling interest in truth, justice and the American Way.  Disingenuous politicians, agenda-driven media, snooty academics, crazy cultural fascists, politically correct doctrinaires and self-righteous faux-philosophers of the entertainment industry were all pounded with a very large and consequential hammer of common sense, American reality and appropriate supplication to the divine.
To these bullying modern Pharisees of “correct” but dissembling thought, Trump – once approximately one of them – is now loathed; the “bad guy.”  He is the threat, promise and unlikely messenger of restoring a central truth to our American consciousness: that our nation exists for “We the people.”  And if you really heard the inaugural prayers, “We” – each person – exist for the glory of God.  Shocking, and true.
Friday’s ceremony reportedly set a record for the most prayers in a U.S. presidential inaugural.  Fine.  What is undeniable is that scripture was quoted accurately and sincerely, Jesus Christ was invoked by name and station, and God was honored before the attending throngs, a divided nation and the entire world.
All I can say is, let it rain, Lord.  Your truth is marching on … regardless.
Walters ( mentions that on Saturday there were in D.C. both a syncretistic pray-to-whatever-you-want prayer all-call and a “women’s rights” anti-Trump march closed to pro-lifers.  O, for the Dr. King days when marches were God-fearing calls for human rights, not self-righteous demonstrations in support of human wrongs.


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