Monday, January 9, 2017

530 - God is Still Here

Spirituality Column No. 530
January 10, 2017
Common Christianity / Uncommon Commentary

God is Still Here
By Bob Walters

Perhaps the greatest arrogance of this or any age is the assumption that God’s existence is somehow dependent on the majority opinion of mankind.
Let’s remember that God is still here no matter what educators teach, the media reports, pollsters predict, commentators opine or celebrities spasmodically declare.  Neither does a sincere preacher’s sermon nor a humble Christian’s service alter the unalterable divinity of God.  The thing that can be made different is not God, but man’s faithful relationship and love with God and others.  Beware; we live in an age – an arc or history, really – out of alignment with the pedestrian but supernatural truth of Christ.
This “arc” is the modernist march of philosophical humanity that for the last 300 years or so has walked Western man’s popular intellect further and further away from the foundational, always relevant reality of God.  While I’m quite convinced man’s modernist inclinations have no impact whatsoever on the three-in-one person of God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, or on the eternal kingdom, divine glory and ultimate victory for God’s plan of salvation and love, we are wise to take heed that when we confuse our temporal intellectual fashions – modernism – with the unceasing reality of God, we are compromising our own eternal being.
We are electing eternal sides – Heaven or Hell – not fleeting flirtations.
“Modernism” doesn’t mean smart phones and driverless cars.  Tracing its roots back to Thomas Aquinas and 13th century naturalism, modernism is the seriously earnest academic trajectory of man taking over the definition and description of God.  Humanity beheld the Age of Enlightenment – great philosophers, brilliant politicians, and revolutions both shedding kings (America) and killing them (France, Russia) – and this modernist Enlightenment “light” man has been trying to steal is the spotlight that shines properly, only, entirely and eternally on Jesus Christ, not human systems.
But human systems are what popular culture’s “best and brightest” human minds have been assembling and assimilating ever since in an attempt to replace the simple and traditional truth of God’s ultimate mastery over all Creation.  God gave mankind freedom to concoct all manner of foolish ways to replace God – from the fall in Garden of Eden up through evolutionary theory, social science, reproductive rights, identity politics and on and on.  Bounteous modern day ammo exists to locate, learn about and love God – Church, the Bible, communications’ tools – as does the ever-present, ineffable, stubborn sense human’s possess that “there must be something more.”
Yes, there is “something more” no matter the modern or ancient world’s fancy or arrogant arguments against it (Romans 16:18, 1 Corinthians 2:4, Colossians 2:4)
God is still here and our faith still counts.
He always is and it always does.
Walters ( notes that secularism suggests we don’t need to trust Jesus, glorify God or seek the Holy Spirit.  Those are three pieces of very bad advice.


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