Monday, January 2, 2017

529 - Is God Mad at Me?

Spirituality Column No. 529
January 3, 2017
Common Christianity / Uncommon Commentary
Is God Mad at Me?
By Bob Walters
It wasn’t a sure thing that my wife Pam and I would actually make it to church this past Sunday morning … on New Year’s Day.
We visited friends New Year’s Eve and were home well before midnight but Pam was nursing a cold and we both were tired from a full day of tearing down and packing up Christmas decorations.  Our intention had been, yes of course, to go to church on the holiday even if partly just to be counted and see who else showed up.
But in the winter dark and the cold and getting up … who would miss us?
Virtue won out, and on the way to church I mentioned to Pam that I was glad she felt well enough to go but that I already figured I would go regardless because I had this weekly column to write that afternoon.  Normally I write on Saturdays but Christmas clean-up got in the way and skipping church was no way to start my writing day.
"Didn’t want God to be mad at you?” she teased.
And there we have today’s subject in the form of a question – “Is God mad at me?” – and an answer, “No, not even a little bit.”  Also please be assured, God’s not mad at you either, not any more, not since Jesus.  God loves us and always has, but we humans routinely underestimate God’s charity.
And Satan is all for it.
God cuts a fearsome swath through the Bible’s Old Testament.  There is nothing cheerful or hopeful or nurturing about God’s reaction in Genesis 3 to Adam and Eve’s sin, to the world’s sin when God told Noah to build the ark in Genesis 6, and on through the 39 books of the Old Testament.  What we know about God is that He created the world for his pleasure and made human beings in His own image that with their love and obedience, of Him, God in His Kingdom would be glorified.
With Satan’s help, mankind screwed that up with disobedience, bad choices, rebellion, misplaced legalism and on and on.  God is perfect, man is imperfect and neither has changed.   What has changed, what is new and what was unexpected was God’s New Covenant in Jesus Christ covering the sin of our disobedience and the Gospel of freeing us sinners to love God in His mercy, not fear Him in His wrath.
Satan wants us to fear God’s wrath.  Jesus wants us to know the enormity of God’s love, mercy and compassion.  Jesus, fully man and fully God, saves us – if we let Him – from sharing the certain and fierce hell of Satan’s eternal punishment.  The Holy Spirit is our spiritual comfort in this physical life of occasional horrors, shining the glory of God and the light of Jesus into our lives, freeing us from the doubt, guilt and fear Satan relentlessly preaches into our hearts.
Even going to church on a holiday Sunday morning.  And Pam knew it.
Walters ( wishes a Happy New Year to all and the joy of discovering ever-increasing freedom in Christ. Joy is Jesus; fear is Satan.


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